❝𝐎𝐡, 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠𝐬. 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢. 𝐂𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢'𝐬 𝐝𝐫𝐮𝐠𝐬.❞

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Class after lunch was less boring than you thought it would be.

The girls didn't hesitate to walk back to class with you, so for the second time that day, you didn't find yourself walking there on your own.

Wendy was usually with the girls, Dovah always did his own thing and Cartman was... well, Cartman. He wouldn't be caught dead being nice to a girl, and with you not minding walking there alone, you never really bothered to ask them to accompany you.

You found out it was really fun though, being with someone. Especially if the people you walked with were a bunch of girls which were either unbelievably sweet and nice, (like Nichole, Heidi and Annie) or kind of protective, in a way. It was fun seeing Red, Bebe and especially Wendy glare daggers at whoever tried to come up to them and ask - in a whisper so you might not hear it - if you forced them to hang out with you or something.

Wendy made sure to make her glare extra scary, and it worked really well as she was known for being able to throw a really good punch if she needed to, like that one time she beat Cartman up in elementary school (and you did nothing to prevent it because she was right and he was being a real big asshole back then). Hence, people were really hesitant to challenge that glare.

"What a bunch of spineless assholes," You remembered Red saying after she heard someone badmouth you. "They say that stuff behind your back while also being too scared to even look you in the eyes."

Useless to say, you enjoyed Red's more 'fiery' side of her personality a lot.

'Wendy said they wanted me with them because of 'scary dog privileges' or something, but aren't they the ones scaring everyone away?'

That being said, you spent most of your classes after that texting the girls. Bebe kind of forced Wendy to give her your number so she could text you regarding the costume after school, but she ended up adding you to the girl's group chat.

Wendy, too busy paying attention to the lesson, was the only one who didn't take part in your chatting, so the only person you were familiar with wasn't there, but you didn't mind at all. The others were really fun to talk to and made you feel at home immediately.

For a good ten minutes, the topic was your outfit, with Nichole and Red suggesting things that seemed to be really cool, Annie suggesting things that didn't make a lot of sense with the rest of the outfit, and you and Bebe pleading her to stop suggesting animal ears and three hundred different styles of gloves.

You were also able to finally ask them who the hell Margaret was. They tried to explain it, but you didn't understand anything in the end, all you knew was that they were glad you dealt with her.

You also texted Dovah a bit. He was incredibly bored and had nothing to do, so you talked about whatever. The superhero game came out as a topic too, with you two trying to figure out what kind of mess you'd end up in that day.

All being said, it was the most fun you've had in class in a long while, much to Mr. Garrison's displeasure since he couldn't confiscate your phone even if he knew you had been using it the entire time. Not that you tried to hide it. Unlike the girls and Dovah, you had your phone out on clear display.

When he asked you, clearly pissed off, who you were texting you just said, "None of your business." and left it at that.

Once the class had ended, the girls waved at you, with Bebe telling you she'd text you later. Wendy gave you a smile, happy to know you were becoming friends with the other girls as well and left.

You calmly walked out of school, most students had already left, and there, right outside, you found Cartman, Dovahkiin, Jimmy and Kyle.

"Woohhh, man, what a great sleep!" Cartman almost yawned. It was clear from his face that he was tired as hell, but if he wanted to put that facade on because he didn't want to be found out as the Raccoon, then you would let him be. Not.

𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬. 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰-𝐈𝐭-𝐀𝐥𝐥 | South Park x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now