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"We could've just... made our way around it, you guys know that, right?" You asked while staring incredulously at the portable toilet Scott had just detached from the ground and that fell lying on its side. The sight, with everything coming out of it, was disgusting, to say the least. His diabetic rage sure was something though. "You also just wasted an insulin shot on this..."

You three had long reached the ground and got away from the death trap that brought you to the middle of town and were making your way to the Peppermint Hippo.

Dovahkiin just shrugged, while Scott said something along the lines of 'that was the easiest way to make the crowd go away!' which you doubted greatly, but in the end, you stopped caring and followed the duo until you reached your destination.

"Come on, let's go inside." Scott entered the building first and got instantly glared at by the man working there.

"Hey, beat it, kids. Twenty-one and over only." He pointed to the sign next to him.

"Stand aside, citizen! It is I, Captain Diabetes! I must speak with the ladies inside!" Despite his attempt to make the man 'reason', your poor team leader seemed to fail miserably, only angering the man behind the red velvet rope further.

"Get outta here before I fuckin' throw you out." He said towards the two boys with anger clear in his voice. As his eyes moved onto you his face morphed into a creepy grin, "You, however, could start working here, you know? Don't need to wait a couple of yea-"

Before he could finish the sentence and get insulted by you, you felt two hands grab your wrists and pull you out of the building.

"Fucking creep." You heard Scott mutter underneath his breath and almost laughed at how uncharacteristic of his hero persona it was for him to swear, but decided not to do so and appreciate in silence the fact that he got angry for you.

Both he and Dovah seemed to have activated a protective mode for a few seconds. You were used to it from the silent boy, he had always been somewhat of a protective worrywart when it came to you, but you hadn't expected it from Scott who had only known you for an hour at best and who seemed to be uncomfortable with you just twenty minutes before. Not that you minded, it was nice.

"Whatever, there should be a way to get in if we go to the back." You spoke, snapping the boys out of their anger, "Let's try there, alright?"

They nodded and dropped their hold on your wrists.

You looked around the area once there. Noticing a phone booth you could use to get on the waste container by the window, you called for Scott.

"Captain Diabetes, think you could tip this over with your diabetic rage?" You motioned for the phone booth and then briefly explained your plan to get into the building. It was quite a simple one.

"Sure can, sidekick!" He replied eagerly, apple juice already in hand.

He wasted no time in drinking it all and a few seconds later there he was, incredibly angry and with a strength that for someone normal was... scary as hell to be honest.

Once the phone booth fell towards the waste container you swiftly made your way up and got inside the Peppermint Hippo thanks to the open window.

For a moment you wished you hadn't given up when Dovahkiin gave you those puppy eyes and made you join the superhero team because damn, you hated the place you had ended up into with a passion.

It was the men's restroom and it was as dirty as something could be. We're not even gonna mention the smell, or talk about the man using the urinatory.

"No." You said plainly once you were all inside, "I'm not staying here one second longer, if you two have business here or want to look around, do it, I'll walk out."

𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬. 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰-𝐈𝐭-𝐀𝐥𝐥 | South Park x ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu