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Jom was still holding the tab looking at me with guilty eyes. Josey was smoking behind him in the lobby who threw his cigarette as soon as he met my angry gaze.

"Bro... I can explain...", I stopped her and gestured Jom and Josey to come in. I took the tab from Jom and sat on a table.

"Where are you?" I asked coldly.

"Bro I got this job..." she started to explain again.

"I asked WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" I screamed at her this time. Jom and Josey went silent. Ohm came out running and stopped behind me. I could see him on screen reflection.

"Phuket." she replied, I could see she was terrified by my sudden fierce tone.

"What are you going to explain?" I asked taking a seat on the sofa. It was too much pressure to handle without a cup of coffee in the start of the day. "Do you know how much worried mom is right now? She called me and... Forget it. Just tell me how the hell you ended up there?" I tried to cool down enough to listen.

Ohm came up to sit on the sofa beside me to be able to see Nonnie clearly. He raised his eyebrow questioning her the same. She nodded at him assuring and was about to explain while I exhaled loudly for all of them to turn and look at my furious face.

"Bro, I had told Ohmi about this job last night. He told me to..." she paused and looked at Ohm. At that very instant all the composure I had held was lost. I was so angry that I threw the tab on the chair across me and left the room. I closed the bedroom door and sat on the bed trying to think of what just happened.

"How dare you control everyone's life like this Ohm Pawat!" I muttered gritting my teeth. I did know why I was that furious but somewhere everything since morning was making me feel wrong about believing in him.

"Chaplin!" Ohm knocked the door. I was so frustrated that I wasn't in a mood to talk. But this needs to be sorted. I wanted him to know that he cannot do this with everyone around him. I opened the door and he came in.

He was holding a cup of coffee in his hand. He held me by my shoulder lightly and gestured me towards the bed. I sat while still looking angrily at him. He handed me the cup and held my other hand in his.

"I know what happened was wrong. But I also know that you can't be at peace without breakfast." He pulled out a packet of cookies from one of his knee pockets. "Please have some." He said in a pleading tone. I turned to look at him. A face that was so handsome, so charming that could melt any heart. But my heart was aching with so many emotions right now. If I could, I would punch him hard. He was staring expectantly at me, so I took the packet from his hand, and kept it on the side table.

"Nonnie shouldn't have left home like that..." he continued talking and I couldn't keep calm anymore.

"But she did. Because you asked her to." He looked at me puzzled and I looked back at him with a sarcastic smile and continued. "So what was the lecture this time, huh? You asked her to follow her dreams, you live only once, blah blah blah... right?" I asked.

"What? I did not..." he started confused but again I cut him off by showing him my hand.

"Mr. Ohm Pawat. I think I made a mistake..." I said.

"Mistake?" he asked still confused.

"Mistake of falling in love with you. Mistake of being with a person who is self-centered. Mistake of having so much trust in you." I said finally venting out all my anger piled up since morning in a deadpan.

Ohm and I were now facing each other on the bedside with totally blank expressions and before anyone could say anything, Ohm got up and left the room closing the door behind him.


Back in Time

"How are you feeling now?" I asked Ohm who was now healing from his drug ordeal very well. We were on terrace. Ohm was not interested in going anywhere, so instead I used to spend time with Ohm at his place. It was in the afternoon, post lunch that we two were alone on the terrace, and were having Ta koh, while sitting on the table with an umbrella on top of us. It was my favorite spot at his place.

"I am on cloud nine." He said winking and giving his most charming smile.

I smiled and shook my head. "I am serious." I said pressing the topic.

"Seriously, I am fine." He said reassuring.

We sat there quietly looking around at all the birds in the sky while eating. Sitting silently like this has never been awkward for us. Once Ta koh was finished, he looked at me.

"Chaplin, would you believe me if I say I like you?" he asked in a serious tone looking directly at me through his sunglasses.

"Of course I would. I like you too." I replied with a smile.

"Uh-huh... And would you trust me if I ask you to?" he asked again.

"In what matter?" I asked confused.

"In every matter... IF I ask you to trust me, will you?" he asked again.

"What's with you today? What kind of questions are these?" I asked puzzled.

"It's really difficult to say yes!" he said almost to himself but loud enough for me to hear it.

"Ohm! Are you ok?" I asked him gently stroking his shoulder.

"Never felt better!" he said with a half-hearted smile. "Let's go ask mom for another Ta koh. I want to win the bet against Jom as to who can eat more." He said and pulled me along.

I Wish... (Inspired From A True Story)Where stories live. Discover now