The Proposal - Part 3

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Present day

Disturbed by the thoughts, I kept twisting and turning the whole night, but couldn't sleep. More than a hundred times, I wrote messages, and deleted it. I knew I wanted to talk to him, but didn't know what to say. And I don't remember when I dozed off. When my alarm rang in the morning, with a very heavy head, I checked my phone to see a reminder for the onsite telephone call due in 2 hours. I got up, took shower and got ready for office. Tired and bearing the headache, I decided to have breakfast in mess with Som. Som and I share a pseudo relationship. I talk to her whenever I want to and she doesn't hover either. We both are not exactly friends, but we do have many things in common including same manager to bitch about.

"Morning Som, mind if I join you?" My smile couldn't have been any more artificial.

"Very good morning, you look horrible!" she replied with a charming smile. "Let's go to the corner most table first, I bunked my evening wrap up yesterday, and Boss is going to fire me soon. I am hiding till it's possible. I know he won't fire me till he is done with screaming for all my bunked calls." She chuckled, but looking at me not even smiling at her joke she asked, "By the way, what happened to you? I don't see you getting out of your room. Are you seeing someone?"

"What's that logic?" Puzzled I asked while pouring curry into my bowl on the way to the table.

"Oh, I do that. You see, I stop talking to the world when I am with a special someone." She said dramatically.

"Som, you are seeing someone every second week!" I am surprised as well as shocked to see the way she handles her relationships. I am not able to handle my complex friendship while this girl here is with a new guy every now and then. "I am not seeing anyone. It's Ohmi I am worried about. He isn't talking to me for two days." I wondered why I even started discussing this. Firstly, I was not able to sleep and now I'll be unable to eat. "I hate him!" I said angrily.

"There you go again. You know, you guys are made for each other. You keep on fighting and then making up for it. It is like the daily routine for you two. But still you both cannot stop talking to each other. And duh-uh, stop making fool of yourself you guys. The world knows how much you are into each other. If you two were not that close, I would have tried to make things work with Ohm." She exclaimed. "He is hot!"

I gave her a blank look.

"Okay. What happened this time?" she asked while pulling my plate of rice from my side. She must have understood that I have come here only to blurt out everything.

"Nothing! Let's not discuss 'Ohmi' right now. You tell me, why did you bunk call yesterday?" I tried to distract her. I am yet not ready to discuss about my feelings, fears, confusion and anxiety with anyone.

"I had a date." she smiled.

"Date?" Som had two goals in her life. First one was to become a successful DBA and second was to find her soul mate. For the first goal, she was dedicated but was not getting the right opportunities which led to bunking office usually. Unfortunately, the way to fulfill her second goal was via dating every guy she met. So, I was not surprised when she mentioned date, but I kept my questioning expressions to show that I am taking interest in the conversation.

"Yes, date darling. I am dating Nuea. You remember the new guy in the cubicle that I was talking about last week? He finally asked me out for a coffee." She winked.

"You could have gone post wrap up. You know your appraisal ratings were not good last time." I tried to force sense into her.

"OH PAH-LEASE! I am not concerned about the stupid ratings for that support project. I am going to be a D-B-A. Have some respect!" She said with pride in self. "And do you know where did we go yesterday? I can't even tell you how sweet he is..."

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