Obsession - Part 1

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"So, what happened?" my sister asked me while looking at Ohm talking to my mother in the kitchen. After we came back home, my sister sensed something from my expressions, so while my mother was busy with Ohm, she asked me to talk to her in my room. Although, half of my mind was still in the kitchen.

"He asked me to get in his Humvee and we came here." I answered distracted, trying to over hear his conversation with my mom.

"And you guys did not talk?" she asked.

"We kissed!" I said still distracted.

"WHAT!" she exclaimed and got up in shock. I suddenly realized what I said. Uneasy, I pulled her down to sit again beside me and gestured her to slow down her voice.

"What did you just say? You guys..."

"Listen, I'll explain it all, but you promise to keep it to yourself." I insisted.

"Bro, do you even know what you are talking about?" she asked in disbelief.

I paused and then thought I would need to explain it to her. "Long story short... He likes me... He proposed me a few days back on call but I rejected it. He got hurt and stopped talking to me... It's when I though I can't be without him. I don't know if it's love. But I do want to give it a go." I tried to summarize.

"What about the kiss? You are not sure about what you feel, but you could kiss him?" she asked sarcastically.

"It just happened... I had to stop him from leaving. I wanted him to listen to me. I could not think of anything else at that moment... It just happened." I suddenly started feeling guilty about it.

"Maybe... You do like him." She said. I looked at her. "As far as I know you, you wouldn't do such a thing if you don't feel that way." I was still looking at her, she turned to look at Ohm who was in deep conversation with my mom. My mother seemed pleased. I still wonder what's going on there. But I wonder what Nonnie thinks. She is my sister after all, it does matter to me what she feels about the guy I am with or might be in a relationship with.

"What do you think I am doing? Is this all wrong?" I asked curious.

She did not say anything for a while and then she held my hand and said, "If you are in love with him, I feel you should go ahead. Ohmi for me is a real hero. But we all know his history. He is a lover boy. I hope he is as serious about you as he is about his career. I can already see you involved, and so I would say you should give it a shot." She smiled.

I smirked at her shaking my head. We then got out of our room and went straight into the kitchen where they were laughing.

"... and you should have seen his face aunty..." he chuckled and my mother was laughing too.

"Are we going to have dinner tonight?" Nonnie asked sarcastically to my mom.

"Everything is ready. Put yourself to some good use and start serving. And call your dad too." She commanded.

"By the way, what were you guys talking about?" I asked mom hesitantly looking at Ohm from the corner of my eyes.

"He was telling me about Jom's reaction when he sat with him in his chopper for the first time. It was funny!" she said still giggling.

I breathed a sigh of relief. We all had dinner. It was very normal but Ohm's behavior was confusing me. I looked at him but he did not. I observed he was busy talking with my parents all through the time. What is wrong with him? We spent the whole day together. And now he is behaving as if nothing happened.

After dinner, he went on a walk with dad and when he returned he took his keys and greeted my parents. On coming near the door, he gave a high five to Nonnie and then he came to shake hands with me. I did not know what was going on in his mind, but with my family around, I could not ask him anything. I shook his hand and he gave me a lovely smile before leaving. Later, I helped my mom with cleaning up the kitchen. She was happy about spending time with him and so seemed my father. I went into the room and saw my sister busy on her laptop with her earphones on. I took out my mobile from my pocket and typed his number on the dial pad. I erased it and retyped it for around fourth time when I received a message. It was from him.

I have reached home. Thank you for the lovely day. Will see you soon. Take care Highway.

What does that mean? Why is he getting formal with me again? I need to know what is going on. Maybe he is just tired. So many thoughts clouded my mind again, like the day it did when he proposed me. With a heavy head, I went to my bed.

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