chapter 9:

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Nadia's POV
I don't know why I felt completely embarrassed when fu'ad walked out on me during his budan kai.

That was a rude behavior, may be munnaya told him about her marriage also😳.

I feel his pains,ya Allah please make everything easy for him 🤲, Ya Allah he does not deserve sorrows in his life please Turn his sorrows into happiness.


After all the celebration my family left🥺. Am missing them already 😭.

I was left all alone with haj.maimuna that's their fu'ads mum,since when I was a child I liked her so much, she's lovely,she always bring fadil to visit zaid during weekends since they were friends and class mates in school.
she took me upstairs to her bedroom and sat me down on her bed.

  "Feel free Nadia this House is also like your parents
She said with a smile on her face.

" Okay anty"was the answer I could give to her because I was nervous.

"You just  called me anty!!
you can always address me as your mother also my dear kinji koh" She  said smiling raising my face up with her hands.
I smiled back and she hugged me.

" The reason I brought you hear is because I wanted talking to you alone"she added breaking the hug.

"Toh maama am all ears "

" not going to say many things I will just give you a recap that will make you understand everything.firstly I am talking to you as my daughter and secondly as my son's know the kind of relationship your family and ours share right?,and this wedding is meant to make the bond stronger.I know it will not be easy for both you and fu'ad to move along because you guys are not used to each other, but everything in this life has to be taken easy,and I will also talk to fu'ad,I know he was rude downstairs at the budan kai,trust me he's not like that,what happened yesterday is still bothering him ,and alhamdulilah munnaya is fine ,your parents told us she phoned them this morning,and she choose what's best for her and Allah choose the best for  fu'ad   and that is you Nadia. please take care of fu'ad,bring him out of this mess his in"she said all these placing her hands on mine.

"InshaAllah maama. I will do as you say"I said putting some hope in her ,that made her smile.

"Allah Miki albarka my daughter (May Allah bless you my daughter)"

Fu'ads POV
"Fu'ad "
"Na'am maama "

"Am really angry with You my son ,why did you have  to leave during the budan Kai ceremony, you have to take everything easy,treat Nadia nicely,though I know you won't do anything to harm her right?.I know in cases like this it would be hard for you guys to move along as couples, fu'ad ,Nadia was not the reason munnaya left you ,she can't suffer for that okay.
munnaya left because she thinks Ameer is the best for her not you , please stop bothering yourself and don't ruin your new marriage because of the past my son.hope you are understanding what I am saying"

"Maama what have I done to deserve all of this ,my best friend betrayed me ,the only woman I loved so much betrayed"I started saying but couldn't complete what I was saying due to the tear that was dropping on my cheeks.

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