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Saera was a delicate child growing up

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Saera was a delicate child growing up. She'd always be sick and Daemon was the only one who could stop her from crying. Needless to say, she was seldom outside of the castle walls - always with a platoon of servants behind her.

It was her first time hunting without her dragon - the King believed that it would help form a friendship with Ser Harwin Strong.

He walks behind her cautiously, watching as she makes her way through the forest with ease. "I was delighted to hear about our engagement," he started a conversation and her grip on her bow tightened. She didn't want to spend the entire trip hearing him talk.

His voice was croaky - vibrating through her skull in an annoying way. "Why? You've never shown me any interest before," she pointed out, deciding that driving him away would be easier than changing her father's mind. "I've always had these feelings, your grace. You are the greatest beauty in all the seven kingdoms. The stars pale in comparison." he complimented and she could help but sigh.

She turns to look at him, ignoring her father's men that were marching in front of her. "Lovers of beauty are typically the most shallow." she responded, returning her attention to the hunt. If he was under the impression that she was some chaste and pure goddess, then she would prove him wrong.

Yes, beauty was a wonderful thing to have, but to love someone for what they truly are - is another deeper thing. She wasn't a broodmare that he could use to elevate the looks of his offspring. She was Saera - and if she was going to get married, it would be on her own terms.

"I only tell the truth, my princess." he defended, trailing after her like a lost puppy. She laughs softly, following the path laid out for them. "I'm sure that you are, my lord." she retorted, her trained eyes scanned the terrain for animals.

"I never said that you were lying." she mumbled to herself.

He walks behind her, scratching the back of his head in frustration. His father had him believe that anyone would be lucky to have him as a husband. Why was the princess so adamant in pushing him away? She looked optimistic when he fought in the tourney. Why was she different now?

"I can sense your hatred, my princess. Do you not wish for this marriage to push through?" Harwin found himself asking as she made the distance bigger between them. She replies to him with silence. There wasn't a thing that she could say that would change their fate anyways.

"I apologize if I am not the husband that you anticipated. I will try to make our marriage as comfortable as possible." he lowered his head. "Marriage is not about being comfortable, my lord. It's about loving your spouse and not being forced to be with them." she responded with much disdain.

He stops walking, almost dropping the dagger on his hand. "Do you feel forced to be with me?" He raised an eyebrow. She takes a long and deep breath. She couldn't tell the truth - she didn't want to hurt his feelings.

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