I examined her face and noticed the smile playing on her lips .

" Damien . " - I heard her whisper .
She opens her eyes and whispers a " thank you " before going back to sleep .

Huh ?

" Oh , you're already here . * sigh* thank you . " - she pecks Pakeeza's forehead and drags me out .


End of flashback.

I open the door and just head inside , lie on the bed and try not to let what he said get to me too much .

He doesn't know anything about Pakeeza and I .


" You guys , really ? " - I hear Rahmat yell from the hall.

Sorry Rahmat , I just wasn't ready to talk to him now but I need someone to talk to though .

Maybe she'll listen to me .

I get up from the bed to freshen up and change into my pyjamas .

Rubbing my eyes I head down the hall but then curiosity gets the hold of me when I hear voices coming from Raid's room .

Why is Rahmat in his room .

I tiptoe over there , glad the door isn't completely closed .

" I just don't think he's good enough for Pakeeza , that girl deserves the best . " -

" And what ? You don't think Dammy is the best for her . " - Rahmat asks sitting on a couch as she faces him .

" No ... " - he responds .

" But you are ? " - Rahmat chuckles .

" This is not about me , I researched that guy and he hasn't dated a girl beyond a year ! A year . That kind of guy isn't good enough for Pakeeza . He'll just break  her heart at the end . " -

" What if this time it's different . " -

" Once he's like that , I'm not sure he will change that easily . He might think it's love but it's not . What does he know about love . A guy who can't keep a relationship for a year ? " -

" Calm down , Raid . Just try to understand him . " -

" I do . And that's how he is . " -

" Do you know , I just don't get why you'd keep this inside you for so long and bring it out now . " -

He is silent .

" I know , you just got jealous didn't you ? When he showed concern ? That's when you just got fed up . Right ? " -

" I've been looking for her for so long ... wanting to apologise and explain to myself why I left school and maybe ... " -

" Start a relationship or what ? " - Rahmat continued . " Don't you know that Muslim women are not supposed to date or even marry a non - Muslim . " -

" I -I know ."

" * smiles * let me guess , she gets you ? "

Raid nods .

" She makes you happy ? " -

Raid nods .

" She makes you want to become a better person " -

Raid nods .

" Do you trust her ? " -

Raid nods .

" Then get over yourself , talk to Dammy , let's find Pakeeza and trust her to take her own decisions. Let her decide whose best for her . Ok ? "

Silence .

" ok ? "

Raid nods .

I relieve myself from kneeling and head back to my room .

So that's what this is all about .

His perception of me .


10 weeks after the kidnapping .

After the conversation I overheard ,  I guess I understood Raid more .

It's true about the duration of my relationships being short but I really want to try for Pakeeza . I just hope he tries to understand me as well .

It's been ten weeks since that conversation and ten weeks without any
witness calls ,
clues ,
leads ...

There's something definitely wrong .


Let me tell you an experience to lighten this tension .

I remember one time when I was praying with my brother when suddenly ,  from sujood I was looking at some shorts instead of a wall . It turned out we were to close so my head was under his robe !

You can't believe how hard the both of us tried not to laugh after this .

The Dangers Of Loving You .Where stories live. Discover now