Chapter 22 .

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Damien's POV .

"Him ?! " - I turned to look at him .

"Yes , and where did you even find him ? " -she asked . Why is she smiling like that and of all people because of that annoying man .

"He is Pakeeza's supposed number one fan " - I replied in gritted teeth .

He runs to her " you ! "They both hug .

" I have to say I really appreciate how you took care of Pakeeza ,at least before the arrival of Brooke that is . " -he exclaims .

" *smiles * she is worth taking care of . And now that I have heard you are her number one fan , I have faith you will help us find her . Right ? " - she looks pleadingly at him .

" ... of course . " -

" *sighs from relief * thank you . Can we get started now ? " -

" certainly * gestures to the front door * you may lead the way . " -
Why is Stephanie smiling so much like that ?

" Damien , get in here ! " - Stephanie yells .

" I don't get why you are cozying up to him so fast and so soon . " -

" Because he is going to help us Damien , so stop being a jealous freak and help him find Pakeeza or do you have someone who can help us ? " -

" ... No " -

" Good , I'll be waiting for you inside with him " -

Couldn't Pakeeza have had another number one fan , why should it be him . Her high school crush of all people !

I exercised deep breathes for sometime before I got inside . He is your only help Damien .
You can do this !

I took careful steps inside and joined them on the dining table as they had already started the investigation and search .

I gave another sigh and took my seat .

"So what do we know ? " -

Stephanie gets up to stand by me .

" Glad you could come back to your senses . " - she whispers but I just have to ignore it as she shows me text messages from Brooke to some his workers .

" How did you get a hold of this ? " -

" Well ... the reason I could warn you guys and protect Pakeeza was because I had inside intel.
I worked for Brooke " -

" Don't keep silent , you made a shocking revelation but go on , I need to know everything . " - A smile tugged at my lips after the anti-climatic reply I gave him .

" * sigh * It's all very simple . I came to England to get a job but unfortunately I got employed by Brooke . My job was to protect him , everything was going well before I saw his room covered with pictures of Pakeeza all over the place . I knew something was wrong so I used Brooke to track Pakeeza down . Made sure to get all the intel of Brooke's plan so I can be a step ahead anytime he decided to execute his plans . That is why I told you to take the gun to the park that day but I miscalculated in the hospital . Didn't think Eduardo will be the one boss sends * sigh * well you know what happened Damien since you found me on the floor . He sprayed something in Pakeeza's eye to make her weak but I just don't know what was in the substance he injected her with . " -

" He injected her with something ?! " - Stephanie asks .

" Don't worry , I doubt he will want to harm Pakeeza now " -

" But that really is not a reassurance ... what is your name anyway ? " - I ask .

" I can't tell you that at the moment , you know still trying to keep that mysterious vibe and all . " - he shrugs .

Mysterious my foot , who does he think he is ; batman ? * scoffs * .

" If you are not going to tell us your name then what are we supposed to call you ? " - I asked even though in my head I had already named him annoying jerk face .

" Oh , you can me Raid . " - he smirks making my brain puke  .

" Raid , could you please excuse my brother and I ? " - Stephanie  held my wrist and dragged me away into my room which was upstairs .

" ughhhh " - I began dragging my feet when it dawned on me that she was just going to lecture me .
" And here I though graduating from uni means the end of you being lectured " - I mumbled as she closed the door .

" WHAT IS WRONG , * clears throat * what is wrong with you Damien ! " - she lowers her voice .

" I don't know what you are talking about . " - I lied down on my bed and stared at the walls , the lights , the curtains , the windows , in fact anywhere which isn't  my sister's  face .

" In all the years I have known you , you have never acted this way out of jealousy before , I mean do you  how immature you were being at the table right now ? " - my eyes still finding things to look at .

" I don't remember  acting immature at the table though . " -

" I don't know what was inside your head the whole time ... but I could feel the nasty things going on through your head . " -

" There is nothing to worry about , Stephanie . " -

" I really hope so because I really want to find Pakeeza and I know for sure you also do as well . Let's  set everything  aside and find her . Okay ? " -

" ... * sigh * okay " - I got up from the bed and shook her hand .

We got out of the room and headed back downstairs with * scoffs * , * sighs * i mean Raid - mentally faking a smile in my head - busily typing away on his laptop .

" found anything yet ? " - I sit by him .

" Not  yet but right now I'm trying to key in some coordinates to track down a few of his hiding spots . " -

" Damien .... " -

" hmm ? " -

" Damien I just realised something , what are we going to tell her family that she's missing . " - Stephanie stated with tears already in her eyes .

I got  up to wipe the tears on her cheeks .

I sighed realising what was happening , Stephanie is someone who takes in bad news very badly in terms of time but when it dawns on her later , it's very hard for her to take it in .

" * sobs * I promised them I will take care of her Damien , how will I answer to them if anything happens to her " -

I hug her shaking body and rub her back .

" Damien , Brooke took her away , Damien she has been kidnapped ' wha- * sobs * Pakeeza ~! "

A/ N

My apologies for not updating soon , I go to a boarding school and phones aren't  allowed there but I'm back and will try my possible best to update regularly .


Back to the story ...

Do you think Brooke is the one who kidnapped Pakeeza and what do you think he's  doing to her right now , that is if your answer is yes .


The Dangers Of Loving You .Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora