Chapter 11 .

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" I didn't ask you to come here Damien , " - I threw my pen at him .

Bowing down to my papers , I realized I needed that pen .

" Could you please ... ," - he smirked shaking my pen . " I need that back please , " - I stomped over to him and swiped it away .
" Don't you work or something ? " - I sat down getting back to work .

" Stephanie needed someone to look after you . " - he laid on my couch lazily .

" I have an assistant Damien and she's not more than fifteen feet away from this offic... Achoo ! " - I took a tissue as my eyes began tearing up again .

" * Sits up and looks at me * I just can't believe that you're allergic to roses ?! "- he threw his hands .

" It's not my fault , people have allergies and I am apart of the people concept . " - I finished my signature signings and sent this week's pictures to Stephanie and Brianna .

" But roses ? And how come you didn't know about that . To think creepy Brooke gave them to you , of course you'll be allergic . "- he got up pacing around.

" ...I haven't really received gifts from men and I don't like what you're doing . Allergy is not a choi ... Achoo ! "- I held my head to calm me down .
" Listen , I really had a rough day yesterday and ... Achoo ! "- I rushed for a tissue to wipe the tears away .

" Are you alright ? " - he approached me concerned .

"... I'm not * sniff * I am being creeped out by Brooke and I can't find anymore nice ways to tell him to leave me alone , he staged a save ? , And he had the guts to visit me that night * sniff * I almost got a man killed , I'm allergic to rose flowers and worst of all I can't tell my sister about this because I don't want to worry her . * Takes another tissue to wipe tears * I'm tired Damien , I didn't come here for all this . I CANT EVEN LOOK AT GLASS THE SAME WAY ! "- I took the box of tissues and ran to the bathroom .

" Pakeeza * knocks * please stop crying . Come out . " - I heard him violently knock on the door repeatedly .

" Pakeeza please come out , you were trembling . " - his voice coming out broken as I cried my heart out .

" At least let me be your shoulder to cry on , I'm a good listener ! " -

I wiped my face and took courage to open the door but I broke down again immediately I saw him .

" Oh --- please don't cry . Shhhh " - his hand went through hair as he gave a faustrated sigh .

I crawled on the floor coiled myself up unable to stop the gushing tears , I tried to hide my face but found his shadow with his arms before open and closed indecisively .

" Pakeeza please stop crying , I'm here for you . " - I tightened my arms around my leg and involuntarily began trembling .

" ... * Sniff * just promise to keep Brooke away from me . " - I mumbled .

" Yes , yes ,yes , just stop crying * frantically pats himself * here . "- he handed me a hankerchief .

" Thank you . " - I began cleaning my face in hiding . * Sniff *

I got up and wiped my eyes heading straight to my desk .

" Glad you stopped ... , " - I bowed my head and tried to calm down . My hands were still trembling .

" You know what Pakeeza , I'm in so much pain right now just standing here and watching you cry , not being able to do anything to help . I've never felt this helpless in my life and ... * Sighs * you know you don't allow me to --- touch you and I also can't help standing here like this . " - he rambled with tears in his eyes . I wanted to apologise but he cut me short .

" I can't stand seeing you cry Pakeeza , it just doesn't feel right . I - I please stop crying . *Sniff * "- I got up immediately I saw Damien's teary eyes .

" D - Damien ? "

" Just stop crying okay , I'm going to get you some food . You look hungry . " - He closed the door in haste after that .

Why would Damien --- why ?

I slumped down my chair cleaning my face and reapplying my makeup.

Feeling bad for causing someone else to cry . Damien is actually becoming a great friend and I should have understood him but I really need to cry and that I don't regret , I just have to make it up to him .


" You had tears in your eyes , " - I teased while digging in my noodles .

" ... Something was just in my eye . " -he answered avoiding me .

" Yeah , I'm sure one of those tiniest dust particles took a toll on both your eyes in this quite enclosed office . " - I smiled as he continued avoiding me .

Ten minutes of silence from his side later , he decided to speak .

" Hope you're okay now ," - it caught me off guard as my eyes started to burn with possible tears .

" ...o - of course and In fact for making a grown man cry ... I invite you for a movie night at our place . "- I managed to calm myself .

I raised an eyebrow when he wiped my cheeks with a tissue .

Goose bumps spread over my body with my heart leaping .

" T-thank you , "- I took the tissue and took a few steps back .

" If it stops your tears then it will be my pleasure ," - he bowed then exited my office .

I smiled staring at the tissue in my hand , wiping my tears .

" Ughhh Pakeeza stop crying ! I --- * breathes heavily * I can do this ! " - I stomped my right foot and got back to work .

Later , Stephanie barged into my office .

" Aww , " - she immediately ran to hug me , tears in her own eyes ." Damien called me . Everything's going to be alright . " She cooed as all the tears just came back .

" Come on , enough work . You can do the rest at home . Let's go . " - she rushed me out of the company and drove away , stopping only for ice cream .

She continued to rub my back until we reached our hall .

" I'm going to pray and read the Qur'an , I'm sure it will make me feel better . " - I assured her hugging her one more time before heading to my room .


I was making popcorn while Stephanie and Damien waited .

" Whose ready for movie night ! " - I screamed , handling the remote .

I giggled as I searched for what we were about to watch .

There's a hundred and four days of summer vacation and school just comes along to end it ~ so the annual problem for our generation is finding a good way to spend it ....

Like maybe ...

I paused to laugh so much once I saw the look on their faces .
I wiped away a tear and whispered
" classic "
" Sing along guys ! " -

Or climbing up the Eiffel tower , discovering something that doesn't exist or giving a monkey a shower , riding tidal waves , creating nanobots ...

I took my popcorn intensionally crunching them loudly and giggling once in a while .

It feels so good to watch Phineas and Ferb with my friends even though they don't seem to like it .

" I regret nothing , " - We continued watching the next episode plus at they end , it turned out fun but the most fun of it was when we got to the episode in which they had ,

Chiki chiki chuwaa, that's what my baby says ...

After that all I remember was deciding to close my eyes for just a minute .


Did you know England has an annual cheese rolling competition ?

So this time I don't have any rants ...yet .

Except my invisible non - existent cloak just got missing and that too the first time I decided to take it to the dry cleaners .
* Sigh *

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