The last topic lands us on the current subject of trying to get pregnant. Apparently, there are different positions that are rumored to help with conception, who knew?! Kate, apparently. She eventually opens up about their trouble getting pregnant and reveals they're currently in the midst of fertility testing to find out what's been causing their problems. They've each done multitudes of labs and nothing has been discovered so far. Nat takes this opportunity to slip in some questions about how it could cause some financial problems. "Isn't that super expensive? I've had friends go through IVF and it cost them a small fortune!" A soft look crosses Kate's face. "It definitely can get expensive. We've been so blessed with fantastic insurance from our company and it's been almost completely covered up to this point. The dollar signs attached to future treatments if needed makes me sick, but both mine and Jensen's families have offered to help contribute if we come to that point." She replies, love dripping from her words. The boys rejoin the conversation and it turns from the more somber subject to lighter ones full of laughter.

We finally drop off the passengers that aren't staying the night and tuck into our cabins for the night. Thankfully, Krazy Karrie was shitfaced and Todd had to tote her to bed. Surely she'll be tanked and go straight to sleep tonight. I wash my face, cleansing it from the sea salt and makeup that coated it, then climb into bed with Jake. We talk about our earlier conversations and both agree that Kate and Jensen have a real love for each other despite their current illegal dealings. Since I was laying on my stomach, my (Jake's) shirt had ridden up my back, and the tattoo down my spine peeked out. Jake pushes the shirt up further, revealing the entirety of the words, and traces the letters that are permanently etched into my skin and my soul.

"I've always loved this, you know that? Number one, it's sexy as hell. Number two, knowing the meaning of it makes it beautiful. Your strength has always impressed me. Hell, it intimidated me at first which is why I needled you so much. That and I never outgrew the elementary school ideal of picking on the girl you're crushing on," he says with a boyish grin.

"Your opinion of me is far too high, I'm worried I'm gonna disappoint one day when I break down and shatter," I reply with a sad smile, my eyes fluttering closed as he continues to rub his fingertips up and down my back.

"Angel, you could never disappoint me. We're all human and have our limits, vulnerability is what gives us strength. I promise, I'll hold you while you put yourself back together when you do shatter. You don't need anyone to do it for you, you're far too incredible for that, and I'm just glad I get to be the one next to you for it all. You amaze me every day, tiny." He takes a deep breath, wraps his arms around me, and pulls my chest to his before locking his eyes on mine.

"I love you, Beckham Emory Teague. I'm pretty sure I have since I found you in the locker room that day, but I was too dumb to see it. I think you're it for me."

My breath catches in my chest and my eyes well with tears. I haven't felt this cared for since I lost my parents and raw emotion floods my heart.

"I love you, Jacob Tyler Seresin. Your cocky attitude, your fierce protectiveness of me, and your giant heart that you hide from everyone but me. I think you might be it for me, too."

We seal our declarations with a deep, tender, soul searing kiss as my tears drip onto his chest. I snuggle closer, breathing in the comfort that I can only find with him, and bask in the moment as he plays with my hair until I fall asleep.

I'm half tempted to slide something heavy in front of our door just to make sure Karrie doesn't break in and ruin it for us. I listen close and hear someone vomiting on the other side of the wall. I would have never expected the sound of someone puking to make me as happy as it just did, but here I am.

"Goodnight, cowboy. I love you," I whisper.

"I love you too, goodnight my angel," Jake replies. I'm once again lulled to sleep by the sound of his heartbeat, happily drifting off with a smile on my face.


Hi my loves!  We're getting close to the finale of book 1!  I'm super excited for what I have planned and will probably be tying it up with a very tangled bow in the next few chapters 😉.  Leave me any predictions you might have!

As always, thanks for reading and loving this as much as I do!

Xoxo 💋

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