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Was it ever really love if the night that we broke up both went out to go hookup with the one we told each other not to worry about?
Seven x Natalie Jane


After an awkward text exchange breaking up with Carter earlier, I'm looking forward to our family game night.  Naturally he assumed it was because I was "finally hooking up with Seresin."  Cue major eye roll.  I told him it was because I was getting deployed, but he still didn't believe me.  Whatever, not my problem anymore, dickhead.  I rush home to shower so I can get started on dessert. I let the warm water run over me as I contemplate what to make this time. Hmmm, they really loved the butter cake I made last time but they also love red velvet cake. Oh! I'll use red velvet instead of yellow cake mix and make red velvet butter cake! I bet that'll be delicious. I apply my vanilla coconut scented conditioner to my hair, letting it set while I wash my face and the rest of my body. I step out of shower and wrap a towel around my body and wrap another around my hair before applying moisturizer to my face and lotion on the rest of my body. Leaving my hair wrapped up on top of my head, I quickly apply a little bit of eyeliner and mascara, then take my hair down to air dry into its natural waves. Heading to my closet, I grab my favorite lace and floral romper then head to the kitchen to get started baking.

In the kitchen, I have my favorite playlist going, dancing and singing while I work. As I'm busy mixing everything together, I don't hear the lock turn and the front door open. Next thing I know, after I slide the baking pan into the oven, a pair of hands nip at my sides, which happen to be my most ticklish spot, and I about jump out of my skin as I scream. "Jacob Tyler Seresin! You about gave me a heart attack!" I yell at him, swatting his chest as I turn around. This, of course, is hilarious to him and he's folded over in laughter. Raising his hands in surrender as he stands, he says "I'm sorry, short stack! It wasn't like I was being sneaky, I stood in the doorway for a minute and you never even noticed me!" My heart rate finally returns to normal and I huff, hands on my hips, and shoot him a glare. "Being a creeper, were we? Go shower, I'll get everything marinating for you while you're up there" I tell him with a shove. Jake backs away, sending me a smirk and a "yes ma'am!" Just as I finish placing the steak in the marinade, I remember I forgot to put towels back in the guest bathroom after the last time everyone was here. I snag a towel from the stash in my bathroom and hurry towards the guest bathroom. I don't hear the water running and the door is cracked open, so I figure Jake is getting his stuff squared away in the guest room.

I was wrong. I was so, so wrong.

I push the door open, ready to lay the towel on the counter, and am met with a very surprised, very naked Jake Seresin who just stepped out of his pants. Holy shit. Before my brain can fully process what I'm about to say, my first thought spills right out of my mouth. "Fucking hell, Seresin! We should call you HUNGman instead of Hangman!" Jake sends me a smirk hotter than the sun before replying. "You wanna join me, tiny? I could use help washing my back." Remembering how to use my brain, I quickly clap my hand over my mouth and turn to run out of the room. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry! I'm just gonna...go now!" I quickly shut the door behind me and lean back against it. This is gonna go up in my top ten most embarrassing moments, right next to throwing up the first time I went up in the air with Uncle Mav. Pulling out my phone, I fire off a text to Nat and Bradley.


Natty Ice: holy shit, what's wrong?? We're about to walk out the door!

Me: imighthavewalkedinonanakedjakeintheshowersndtoldhimhisdickwasbig

Roo: umm WHAT?!

Natty Ice: Brad just about shattered the windows with the screech he just let out reading that

Roo: I'm trying to figure out how to bleach my eyeballs and still be able to fly

Me: shut up, I AM PANICKING

Natty Ice: just breathe, we'll be there soon! But I gotta know...was it actually big or was it just a panic response?


Natty Ice: the public needs to know!

Me: it was not an exaggeration 🫣

Roo: I can unfortunately attest to the accuracy. Nat that's the only confirmation you're ever gonna get!

Me: see ya soon lovebirds! (Hehehe, see what I did there?)


Natty Ice: I haven't actually told her anything, she's guessed but you just confirmed it with your accuracy text, you dumbass

Me: 😇

Roo: oops

I put my phone down on the counter and immediately take a shot of whiskey straight out of the bottle and go to make myself a drink. The water of the shower shuts off and I start to panic again. Then, like a gift from above, the front door opens and the rest of the crew walks through. Coyote and Fanboy both brought their wives and I was so excited to be in the presence of other women. Clearly there's too much testosterone around if I let that little statement slip so easily. Before I let myself get too worked up again, I rush over to Fanboy's very pregnant wife, Vanessa. "Hi mama! How are you doing" I ask as I hug her, then move to do the same with Coyote's wife, Jenna and the boys take the food and drinks out of their hands and into the kitchen. "I'm good! Feeling large and in charge, little girl is getting big and turning me into a whale!" she adds with a laugh. "Don't you talk about my goddaughter like that! Hers a growing girl and she's gonna be so perfect, just like her gorgeous mama! How many weeks left now?" I ask. "Four or less! Doctors say she's ahead of schedule and will probably be early, but we'll see! I'm looking forward to kissing her face and being able to sleep on my stomach again," Vanessa replies, hand resting atop her belly. "Oh I hope she gets here before we have to leave! You have an eviction notice, little lady," I speak to Vanessa's bump, my hands on each side. Baby Teaguen, named after her godmother (ahem, me) seemed to agree with me and chose that moment to kick my right hand. "That's my girl!" I giggle back.

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