Maybe even kiss him in the low light of the school parking lot after winning one of their games.

Taking one final mouthful Billy pulls back to look down at the man before him, (Y/N)'s head is tilted back, mouth open and eyes half lidded in bliss. Blood still pools at the puncture wounds on his neck, painting thin lines of crimson along his skin, down to his clavicle. He should really heal the bite before he loses any more blood.

(Y/N)'s head is heavy as he tilts it forwards to look at Billy. His lips are stained with blood that trickles down his chin. "You doing okay?" He asks running his tongue over his bottom lip to collect the red sitting there. "I'm good, just feeling heavy" Billy hums leaning over him once again "my bad I took more than usual" the hand on his lower back allows Billy to pull (Y/N) away from the wall and the human tightens his grip on him in turn to keep himself upright.

This is nice. Just the two of them, clinging to each other in the dim lighting of the bleachers. Billy can hear the man's heart beating with a dull steady rhythm, such a contrast to their first encounter. But he likes it. Likes that (Y/N) feels calm in his presence, that he's not scared of him or disgusted by his needs.

Billy presses his lips to the puncture wounds on (Y/N)'s neck, intent on sealing them and cleaning up the blood that he'd missed.

A shout from the bleachers entrance intercepts him "the hell are you doing under here Billy?" Billy clenches his teeth as he stares blankly ahead, he releases a deep breath as he pulls back to stare at the wall.

"Harrington" fucking Harrington, of course.

Holding (Y/N) tight to his chest Billy looks to where the voice had come from and sure as shit there Steve stands with his hands on his hips and a scowl on his face. Billy watches his expression shift to that of confusion as he takes in the two of them. "What the fuck are you doing?" He begins marching towards them. Billy's sure he doesn't know it's (Y/N) in his arms as he has his face hidden in his shoulder, fatigued from giving so much blood.

"Go home Harrington, this doesn't concern you" Billy grinds out blue eyes narrowed in on Steve who's now within arms reach. "Like hell it does" Steve manages to push Billy back with one hand, the other wrapping itself around (Y/N)'s torso.

(Y/N) grips at the grey shirt he's pressed into, struggling to stay upright in his dizzy state. He blinks trying to get a hold of his surroundings. Billy borderline growls as he steadies himself "give him back!" He demands not having expected him to be so confronting. Harrington had never instigated before but this time he was being ballsy. "No fuck you, you're being a dick!" He denies readjusting (Y/N)'s body against his own. Fingers swipe over his skin and then there's a gasp from above him.

"Is this blood?" Uh oh. He can practically hear Steve scrutinising Billy for any signs of a weapon "did you bite him?" He exclaims.

Billy's mouth is smeared with blood, there's no misinterpreting what might have happened, everything clicks into place perfectly. Billy had bit the man, who had been too weak to fight back. But what kind of lunatic bites someone hard enough to draw blood in a fight?

Billy glares at him from where he stands "it's fine, he didn't hurt me" a tired voice mumbles from a place tucked into Steve's shirt. The ex-king furrows his brows at the sudden injection into the conversation "(Y/N)?" His reply is a small hum of acknowledgement, eyes flying up to pierce Billy with renewed anger "you went after my friend?" He seethes.

"No" Billy stalks forwards with a slow purposeful gait, ocean blue eyes staining a vibrant red with each step. He pauses only once he's stood with his chest pressing into (Y/N)'s back. "I was feeding on my friend" he emphasises the 'my', clasping a hand to (Y/N)'s shoulders. "Feeding on?" Now he's even more confused. Billy grins, lips lifting to reveal large pearly white fangs. The jock feels satisfied watching Steve's eyes widen in shock and fear at the revelation.

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