Chapter 8- A Movie and Cuddles

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{Jake's POV}
I made some food for Sean and was bringing it up for him when I heard laughter coming from my bedroom. I opened the door and saw Sean laughing with my younger brother Kristian while watching a video on Kristian's phone.

"You two seem to be having fun." I said while smiling and holding still Sean's food.

"Well, Kristian showed me a video of you in middle school." Sean said smiling at me.

My smile quickly faded to me having a shocked face and putting Sean's food on my desk. Kristian started running out of my room and down the hall and I chased after him.

"KRISTIAN, GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!!!" I shouted running down the hall after him.

We ran all the way downstairs to the living room when I grabbed him from behind and lifting him up off the ground while the two of us were laughing. I put him down and turned him around and I saw Sean to my right. I saw him concerned at first but then he was smiling and laughing himself.

"Which video did you show him?" I said looking back at Kristian.

"The one when you were cooking after cutting your hair." He replied looking back at his phone.

"Oh thank god it wasn't one of the bad videos you have." I said now more relieved than I was at first.

"What bad videos?" Sean said looking between both me and Kristian.

"He means the embarrassing videos we have of him." Kristian said smiling at Sean.

I looked at Kristian in the eyes before speaking. "Don't... you... dare."

"I won't." Kristian said before going into the kitchen.

"You do not need to se those." I said looking back to Sean.

Sean laughed a little bit before responding causing me to blush a bit. "I'll try not to."

"I left your food upstairs." I said walking back upstairs to grab Sean's food.

I opened the door that Sean closed and went to my desk and picked up the plate of food and our cups of tea and brought them downstairs. "Here." I said giving Sean the plate at the dinner table.

"Thank you!" Sean said looking up at me while I was giving him his cup and pulling another chair out.

"No problem." I said smiling at him.

He started eating while we were talking about school and some other things in our lives. Sean looked to my right and looked a bit confused about something so, I decided to ask him what was wrong.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask looking at him with concern and gently putting a hand on his shoulder.

He looked back at me with a small and awkward smile before responding to my question. "Yeah, I was just confused on why there's suitcases behind you."

"Oh yeah." I said remembering what today was. "That's because my parents are divorced and me and my siblings go to my dad's house on the weekends."

"Oh, when is he going to be here?" He asked a little concerned.

"Around 10 o'clock, why?" I said smiling at him despite barely able to keep eye contact.

"I was just wondering when I can meet him." He said smiling while looking to the floor to the right.

"Well, if you don't mind, you can come with us for the night." I said smiling at the floor now not being able to look at him in the face.

"Can I?" Sean asked with a bit of a higher pitch voice than usual.

"Of course you can!" I said smiling happily.

"Thanks." Sean said while smiling back at me cutely.

{Later that night (10:05)} {Sean's POV}
Me and Jake were talking on the couch after putting my hoodie and shirt in a bag to bring with us to clean at Jake's dad's when we heard the doorbell ring. Jake's siblings all grabbed their suitcases and Jake did the same thing and they all put them in a car outside by the curb. A man around 30-35 I think got out of the car from the driver's side of the car and gave Jake and all of his siblings a hug and I assume that he's their dad.

"Oh, dad this is my friend Sean." Jake said with a hand on my shoulder and another on my arm.

"N-nice to meet you sir." I said nervously while putting my hand out for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you too, Sean." He said with a smile. "I'm Samuel, Jake's father and the father of all of the other children here."

"Is it okay if he comes with us?" Jake asked Samuel with an hand on my shoulder.

"Of course!" Samuel said while smiling.

"Alright, let's get in the car already!" Aurora angrily yelled half-asleep.

I smiled at Jake who smiled back and we all got into the large car that they had and we all were on the way to Samuel and Meredith's house.

Jake's older siblings were in the seats ahead of me, Jake, and Kristian talking about their jobs or how they've been. Kristian was listening to music through a single earbud and eventually falling asleep on Jake's shoulder. Me and Jake were talking about school and our grades and, I was surprised on how well Jake was doing in school.

"Wow, I'm not even doing that good." I said upon hearing his grades in all of his classes.

"I can attempt to help you if you'd like." He said smiling happily, causing my heart to flutter a bit.

"Could you?" I ask looking down at my hands in my lap.

"Of course!" He said while smiling and putting a hand on my shoulder.

I smiled back but, not being able to maintain eye contact with him. "Thanks, Jake."

"We're here!" Samuel said parking the car in their garage.

We all got out of the car and went inside. I looked at the house's interior and was actually surprised on how clean it looked compared to their biological mother's house. I then saw another woman approaching us in lovely clothes, heels, a pearl bead chocked, flower crown, and a corset on the outside

"Welcome home everyone!" She said while reaching out to give Jake and his siblings a hug.

"Hey mom!" They all said in unison while Samuel got some bags and suitcases out of their car.

"Hello love!" Samuel said while lightly kissing her on the lips for two seconds.

"Oh mom, this is my friend, Sean." Jake said while excitingly walking me over to her.

"Oh, nice to meet you, Sean!" She said while putting out her hand out for me and her to shake hands. "I'm Jake's stepmother, Meredith."

"Nice to meet you ma'am." I said while shaking her hand too.

"How about you boys go watch a movie while we put your bags in Jake's room?" Samuel said while looking between me and Jake.

"Sure, if You're okay with it." Jake said looking at me with a look that said, 'I'm trying to make you feel comfortable.'

"Yeah, I don't mind." I said nervously while looking at him but, not in the eyes.

{Later that night (12:38 AM)} {Jake's POV}
Sean and I were watching a movie when I felt him lay his head on my shoulder. I tried to look at him and his face but, he was asleep and, he looked so peaceful.

"How is he so damn cute?!"

I let him cuddle next to me while continuing to watch the movie. I rested my head on Sean's and wrapped my arms around him at his waist. I could feel myself smiling and blushing a bit. After around 24 minutes I fell asleep with Sean in my arms and resting my head on him.

That's all for now and I hope you enjoyed! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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