13 Everything Is Going To Be Okay

Start from the beginning

A sob came from Jotaro.

"Let's sit down. Come on." He put his arm around his taller friend's shoulder. He guided him to the couch in the living room.

Kakyoin combed his hand through the back of hair. He guided his head to his shoulder. He said in hushed tones, "You are doing the best you can. No matter what, you can keep coming to me. I want to be there for you."

Jotaro was quiet. He was just listening to the words Kakyoin would whisper about everything being okay. He loved hearing the sound of his voice. It was so comforting.

God, he loved him so much.

When the next day came along, Jolyne and Kakyoin were up, but Jotaro was still in his room. It was half past noon, so Jolyne fixed up lunch since he hasn't left his room at all.

Jolyne came to the door with Stone Free holding the plate and cup of juice. She knocked on the door. "Dad, are you awake?"

She listened and heard the blankets in the bed shuffle.

"Can I come in?"

A few seconds late, a groggy "Yeah" was heard.

Jolyne exhaled in relief. She had no idea what to expect after hearing her father cry when he came home. She was happy to find Kakyoin comforting him, but seeing him cry again really shook her up.

When she came into the bedroom, she found her father wrapped in blankets on the bed. Her eyes gravitated to a pill bottle top on the bedside table. Her eyes quickly searched for the actual bottle until she found it on the dresser across the room, thankfully full.

He took his medicine he was prescribed.

She felt so much relief. She exhaled for the second time.

She saw her father who was still wearing his hat.

He looked like he had just woken up. His hair was a mess with his crooked hat. He was wearing a t-shirt, but the blanket covered below the waist. His face was flushed.

She asked, "Are you hungry?"

He said quietly, "I can eat." He sat up with the blanket around his shoulders and secured around his legs.

She (Stone Free) gave him the plate and drink. She said, "Enjoy."

He nodded, "Thanks."

Before walking out and closing the door behind her, she could've sworn she saw something silicon and purple peeking from underneath his pillow. She decided not to worry herself about it.

When she came back downstairs, she found Kakyoin going through some boxes set up in the living room. He was sitting on the chair.

"What's that, Uncle Noriaki?" She looked over him.

He answered, "I'm just looking for some pictures and things from our many trips. Maybe it will get Jotaro up or something."

"Ah, okay."

After about thirty minutes, Jotaro came down with his used dishes. He found his daughter and his friend looking through a box. Jolyne was on the floor in front of Kakyoin, who was on the chair. Between them was the box.

"Hey, Jojo!" Kakyoin called. "Look at this!"

He walked over to them to see what was going on.

"Look at this picture!" Jolyne held up a polaroid photo.

The photo was from back in 1988. Jotaro, Kakyoin, Avdol, Polnareff and Joseph were in the photo. Joseph was holding a dog named Iggy. The were in a desert-like environment.

"Doesn't that take us back?" Kakyoin remenescent. "We were so young."

Jotaro studied the old picture. He never kept the picture. He remembered how there was so much hardship after that picture. The fight with DIO rendered Kakyoin disabled. Avdol was nearly obliterated. Joseph was killed and brought back to life.

Jotaro shuddered at how many times he was stabbed.

"Um," Kakyoin said concerned. He grabbed the photo from Jolyne and placed it back in the box after seeing his reaction. "Remember this?" He pulled out another picture.

This time it was a picture of Jotaro and Kakyoin in a familiar restaurant.

Kakyoin clarified, "We were at Tony's restaurant in Morioh."

"Oh right," he said.

He remembered the nice evening he spent with him. Kakyoin was there for a little bit after transporting Joseph to Morioh.

"You haven't worn white like that in forever," Jolyne mused. "You're more flashy now than ever."

"Want to look at some more stuff?" Kakyoin invited.

Jotaro hesitated as he contemplated an answer.

Kakyoin reached over to his arm, but he pulled back. With that hand, he patted the spot beside him. "Come on. Let's look back on some good memories."

Jolyne stood up and grabbed the plate and utensils Jotaro was holding. "I'll take that. Relax, Dad." She walked away to the kitchen, leaving the two of them alone.

"Care to sit down?" Kakyoin asked.


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