Chapter 11: The Boy With Curly Hair

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"Heheh, maybe one day. So, why'd you move to Japan then? If you don't mind me asking." She asked curiously.

"Oh, uh,"

"Alex!" Sayori, who had left her classroom to grab a notebook that she had forgotten in her locker, saw him sitting in the commons area and hurried over to greet him. She plopped down into the seat on the other side of him and leaned over, resting her arms on his shoulder,

"What're you doing eating lunch out here?" She asked him.

"I always eat lunch out here." He answered.

"Eh? I didn't know that! Why didn't you tell me?! I would've come and sat with you!" She said.

"I know. That's why I didn't tell you." Alex joked and laughed out loud.

"Ehhh? Meanie!" Sayori pouted.

"Well, I see you two already know each other." Onemine commented and giggled.

"Yeah, we're next door neighbors, actually. Sayori, this is Onemine. Onemine, this is Sayori." Alex introduced them to each other.

"How do you do?" Sayori reached over and shook her hand with a smile.

"How do you do?" Onemine repeated with a chuckle, shaking her hand and smiling in return, "Nice to meet ya. I don't think I've ever seen you around here either." She mentioned.

"Really? I've seen you before! I think it's because our classes are on like opposite sides." Sayori said, pointing one finger to her left and the other to her right.

"Yeah that makes sense."

"Oh! Alex!" Sayori switched gears, "Are you coming to the club meeting today? You are, riiight? Aren't ya?" Sayori asked, poking and prodding at his arm. He scoffed and chuckled, pulling his arm away from her.

"Yeah, I'll come today. I still gotta meet that Komi girl you were telling me about." Alex commented.

"Oh, you're in the Literature Club with Komi!" Onemine realized.

"That's right! I'm actually the Vice-President of the Literature Club! Not to brag or anything." Sayori stated proudly with a smile.

"She was the first person to join," Alex said to Onemine. "But yeah. I haven't met Komi yet. Monika's been telling me about her. You know her?" He proceeded to ask her.

"We have the same classes," Onemine answered. "I'm surprised you haven't met her yet."

"Things just haven't lined up. But believe me, I've heard plenty about her." Alex commented with a chuckle.

"I'm sure. You know, it's funny, I totally had her misjudged before I got to know her. But she's actually really sweet." Onemine said with a smile.

"Oh my gosh! Komi is so cute! You're gonna love her!" Sayori said to Alex.

"It sounds like you love her, Sayori." Alex teased her.

It was actually ironic that the three of them were having a conversation about Komi, because, for some inexplicable reason, she just so happened to be passing by the commons area at that moment! Probably because she had to use the restroom. Yeah, that makes sense.

As Komi was returning to her classroom from the bathroom, she passed by the student commons area and saw Sayori and her friend Onemine talking with a boy that she didn't know. She paused for a moment and stared in their direction, unsure of whether or not she should go and say hello.

Sayori was continuing her conversation with Alex when he noticed her standing there. His head lifted up, and his eyebrows rose slightly as he made eye contact with her. Immediately, Komi got nervous and froze in place for a few moments, not knowing what to do.

Why was he looking at her like that?

"Huh? Oh hey, Komi! How's it going?" Onemine smiled and waved at her.

"Komi! Come on over here! There's someone I want you to meet!" Sayori said with a big smile.

Komi swallowed nervously, hesitant to make her way over. She started to, but then she quickly did a heel turn and hurried back towards her classroom. At the same time, the school bell rang, signaling that lunch time was about to end.

"Aw man! Well, guess we'll have to do introductions at the meeting. See you later, Alex!" Sayori said, getting up and waving to him before walking away.

"Oh alright. Sure. Later, Sayori. And nice meeting you, Onemine. Hope I'll see you around." He said to her with a smile.

"Yeah, you too," Onemine smiled back and nodded. "Heh, later." She said before returning back to class a few paces behind Komi.

Alex got up from his table. He wrapped his earbuds up and stuffed them in his pocket then grabbed his lunch bag and began walking towards his own class. He stepped out into the hall. He looked to his right and saw Sayori enter her classroom.

Then he looked to his left and saw Komi and Onemine at the door. Onemine said something to Komi before passing in front of her and going inside. However, Komi seemed to hesitate outside the door for a few moments.

Truthfully, she was taking a moment to stop and think because now she was regretting running off like she had. Neither Sayori nor Onemine would be the type to say something to her, but she couldn't help but feel like her actions had come off as extremely rude. That guy they were with probably thought so.

Komi's eyes drifted down the empty hall. She saw him standing some distance away, seemingly staring straight at her. She froze again, unsure of what to do. She watched as he stood up straight, stuck his hands in his pockets, and turned away from her to walk back to class.

Yeah, he definitely didn't like her...

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