13. Elaina did good!?

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Now, tell me. What exactly happened. Tell me, if you want to obviously. But i wouldn't want you to hide anything from me as it includes me. She's bandaging her hand now.

The motorcycle fell.

Irene looked up to her, fell?

I pushed it from the edge.

Irene's eyes got bigger, YOU did what?

Elaina remained silent and her eyes are down.

You really did it, for me? She was sounding happy!

Elaina looked at her confusedly.

Elaina! You don't know what you did! Thank you! Irene gripped her hands tightly.

You- you don't hate me now?

Hate? Why would I? Who will hate someone helping! Elaina, you don't know what they said, do you?


I had gotten into a mess with a person, a patient's relative. Not a patient actually. There was a guy i met in the market. That person's behaviour wasn't normal. So i told them to follow up with a psychiatrist but they got mad and said i was claiming him mad. I don't believe there are still people like them! i didn't know they would go this far! They have been troubling me since, they death threatened me, and i know they weren't just saying. Thank you!

Elaina was looking at her. They were sitting too closer than usual She suddenly got a bit closer and touched her cheek.

Irene here's a cut.

Oh- that might have happened when he slapped-
Elaina's, her eyes are getting redder, that is scary. Elaina it's okay.

No, Elaina put ointment of her cheek. They shouldn't have touched you. They deserved it. Elaina said, as she got closer to her face and started caressing it gently.

Elaina? Can i ask you why you did it?

Elaina looked at her. And said, you are the only person that is nice to me. I can't stand anyone disrespecting or being not nice to you.

Irene looked at Elaina. You are cute, you know? Now let me arrange the place of you to stay, but before that would you like to eat anything? It is said that if you eat ice-cream before sleep it helps to sleep.

I don't eat much sweet.

Then i will give you a bit. Stay here. Irene almost right there brought two cup vanilla ice-creams.

Do you always keep ice-creams in your fridge?

Yes. I can't sleep without them. It's a bad habit. I will show you room. Come.

Can i take wolfie?

Sure. I will keep the light of the middle room on incase you need something.

Thank you.

Elaina had never stayed out of her house ever. She wasn't sure if she could sleep but with wolfie she fell asleep earlier than she thought. At night Irene went to see if she was doing good. She melted by seeing her sleeping hugging wolfie. She looks just like a baby. She reclined on the wall. She kept watching her for some time but then got back,if Elaina woke up it would be awkward.

At morning, Irene woke up at and arranged breakfast. She made chicken soup, bread, fruit salad and kiwi smoothy.  When she was done almost, Elaina walked out of the room rubbing her eyes.

Irene! you made all these?

Um, yes there's not much but hope you will like it. I put a brush in the bathroom.

Irene thank you for keeping me tonight.

Elaina thank yous wouldn't be enough if i thank you. Here sit. Irene dragged a chair out.

Elaina is eating homemade food after such a long time. Her eyes sparkled.

Irene, this tastes so good!

You like it?

I love it. Elaina kept eating. After a long time she had a proper breakfast.

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