11. You really wanted to mess?

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After 2 more days, Elaina's wound is almost healed. It won't get attention like before now. It's time for her to pay visit to Irene. She forgot to make an appointment so she decided to go there after she's done with her appointments. When she reached there at, she saw Irene standing outside with her phone in hands. Her hair is in a loose ponytail and her glasses can't hide her pretty eyes. She's probably trying to call her driver for some reason that day's network was really bad. Elaina's car was a bit far so Irene couldn't see it. Elaina kept looking at her she nearly forgot that she's supposed to go and talk with her but suddenly, a motorcycle arrives there. There were two men they were telling something to her and by her expression's it got cleared that they were not saying anything pleasant. Suddenly, one of them slapped her. Before she could do something the other geared the bike and started to get away with a disgusting smile. When Elaina saw him slapping her she had already lost it. She started to drive her car and also in full speed.

Irene's POV :

WTH just happened here? Wait, isn't that Elaina's car? She's driving so fast? Wait, is she going after them!?? Irene walks to the road and sees Elaina's car chasing the motorcycle. Soon both of the vehicles were out of sight. What is this girl after!? Irene wanted to call her but she remembered she didn't have her number. She runs inside of the hospital and sees through the documents. She created a huge mess in the desk but she finally found Elaina's file. She types her number as fast as she can and she tried to call her. She ran out of the hospital and came to the road so she can see if she's coming back. She kept calling her again and again.

Elaina was following those bastards and she was so obvious about they understood that the car was coming after them. When the guy who was in back turned to see, he saw a pair of red eyes glaring at him and he knew that they screwed up. She was driving her car in full speed. Her phone was ringing continuously but she didnt notice that. They tried to get away but there was a turn they had to put but because of speed they couldn't. They were trying to stop the bike from falling but Elaina drifted her car and pushed the bike from the edge! Her car was in a great speed she was about to lose control but at least she could stop the car. One of the wheels were getting out of the edge but she put all her efforts in getting the car out. She took a deep breathe. And started driving the car back to the hospital. She saw her phone ringing. 25+ missed calls! Whose number is this? The phone rang again. Elaina picked up.


who's this?


Where are you?


Stay, i am coming.


Elaina cut the call.

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