Chapter 5. It's Getting Warmer.

Start from the beginning

When he heard his name, the horse turned to Atsuno with a mouth full of grass, slowly chewing it. How he got the amount he did, Atsuno didn't know.

"Does that mean it won't be so cold anymore?" (Y/n) asked.

"Yeah. We won't have to wear these jackets afterword. The sun will keep us warm." Atsuno said. "Now, I believe we were in the middle of a game."

"I don't want to play anymore." (Y/n) said, fiddiling with the little bit of grass they had.

"Alright." Atsuno shrugged his shoulders. "I'll go make us something to eat. You should come inside to, your hands," He poked their nose, "And nose, are all red."

"Ok. I just want to stay out for another minute." (Y/n) said, pulling the grass from the ground and tugging on it with both hands.

"Ok." Atsuno agreed with their request. "Horse, watch over them and help them to the door when they wanna come inside." He instructed, giving the horse a pointed look.

The horse huffed at him but made his way over to (Y/n) anyway, hovering nearby while still on the lookout for grass. Atsuno nodded at the horse before going into the house, leaving the door slightly open for (Y/n) and made his way into the kitchen.

(Y/n) split the grass in half after another tug, then held the two pieces between their fingers for a bit before turning to where they heard Pony was busy.

"Pony. " They called, placing one grass into their other hand then holding it out to him. "I have grass for you." They held their hand flat out to him, the way Atsuno taught them to.

Pony happily neighed a trotted toward them, glad to accept the tiny snack. When (Y/n) felt him eat the tiny bit from their hand, they giggled as saliva was left on their hand. "Ewww." They said because of the sensation on their hand.

They rubbed their hand on their pants to get rid of the saliva, but that proved to be useless because the horse decided to give them an efectionet lick near their ear.

(Y/n) squeezed at the feeling and threw themself away from him, using their sleeve to quickly wipe away where they were just licked, laughing all the while.

"Your breath stinks." They commented, earning a nudge and offended huff from Pony. "I'm not sorry." They muttered with a smile. Pony neighed at them, dramatically turning away from them even though they couldn't see.

Though the horses sassy attitude didn't last long before he shook his head, and nudged their arm. (Y/n) laughed again, reaching their hand out and petting his head, which he greatly enjoyed, giving an appreciative horse sound. His tail flicked from side to side as he nuzzled into their chest.

Unbeknownst to either of the two, someone had just arrived hidden in the trees, uniform nearly as white as the snow helping them blend into their surroundings. When their previous comrades hadn't returned and were later discovered KIA, they decided on an approach that was more observant than head on confrontation.

It had taken them an Anbu team and a good set of weeks before he was able to locate a home. And even now, they weren't sure if this home was the right one. There was a child and a horse, but he had yet to see the one he was after. He jumped from tree to tree silently, not one bit of the snow falling from the branches as he landed.

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