Chapter 7 (Edited)

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Jade's POV

It's been weeks since the last encounter with Vega. Every time she passes in the halls, it's almost as though she were trying to burn me alive with her stare. I feel it. Everywhere. Nowhere. When I look back, she instantly turns her head like a small, hurt, puppy.

I don't know how much more I can take of this. It was simple before, I don't understand why she is acting this way? My heart aches and my body trembles as I go through the events of the past weeks.

"Jade?" Tori's shaky voice echoed around the bathroom stall. I silently cursed under my breath as I let go of Vega's face, my arms falling to my side.

"Yes?" I responded, I felt myself flinch a little at my own tone. Oops.

The Latina's face contorted into a pained expression, so unlike the one before. Her eyes dropped, only making eye contact with the bathroom tiles and her hands fidgeted non-stop.

I sighed internally as I felt yet another onslaught of disappointment encompass me.

"I think that was Cat..," The brunette bit her lip slightly, eyebrows scrunched, "..Maybe, Maybe we shouldn't be doing this, Jade."

My eyes started to water as I crossed my arms, huffing at her statement. I could not look at the girl in front of me, my heart sank and my frustration grew.

"Why? Why shouldn't we, there is nothing wrong with it?" Tori's eyes finally lifted from the ground to look a brief second. The eye contact became so intense, I felt as though I was going to suffocate in pools of brown chocolate.

"You know why...Beck- He still has- He has always had feelings for you," her tone became final and snappy. Almost as though she was daring me to oppose her.

I rolled my shoulders, a sigh escaping my mouth and the tears starting to grow closer to falling. My heart raced as my hands grew sweaty, and my body felt unlike my own. "So what? So what if he does! I don't!"

Tori shook her head, tears already falling past her face onto the tiled floor. "I don't think he'll ever forgive me, Jade, I'm one of his best friends.."

I stood still as I held my breath. Tori moving closer to me, her hands being placed on top of mine. Her eyes seemed dull and devoid of expression and also simultaneously like she was containing them all at once.

She pulled me in closer, this time with determination. I felt her soft lips on mine as I reciprocated her movement, this time with desperation.

As she began pulling away, she spoke once more. "I don't think I'll ever forgive myself...for hurting you..but I can't lose my friend," Tori shook her head as she sighed. Even though she had whispered, even though she hadn't been loud, it was almost like she had yelled.

Those words seemed to be the only thing I could hear..

And still, they remained in my brain as I felt myself slam the locker door. My eyes grew heavy as I entered my third period classroom, a directing class.

Lucky me! The only class I didn't hate had turned into the one I hated most. In past instances, I've drawn my creativity from my pain, my loss, and my failure but I couldn't anymore. I needed to escape the ghosts that haunted me.

In turn, Ms. Minth has started picking on me less and less. She invited me to meet in her office once. I still remember what she said, "Your scripts have become tainted with the simplicity of many directors, it's not unique anymore." And she continued, on and on for hours. Her whiny little voice making my ears bleed and my foot tap against the floor incessantly.

I could still hear her question ringing through my head, almost like a reminder, "What happened to you, Jade? What made you lose yourself?"

I continued to my seat, it's next to some random blonde, a shrugger. Even if I despised this, it had once been my favorite place. There's a possibility it could be again. So I made myself sit through forty minutes of this every day, if the waiting won't kill me, the pain of the knowledge will.

Maybe then I'll finally live happily. Pain has always been my comfort.

I smiled.


Tori's POV

It's been 2 weeks since I let her go, since I felt my heart shatter into tiny little fractions like a glass table. I couldn't bring myself to apologize. What good would that do? I've already messed up enough as it is.

The moment I saw Beck when I came out of that bathroom, I felt my heart sink to the floor.

As I made my way through the busy lunch area, I could see a hand waving at a distance from our usual lunch table. I couldn't decipher well who it was, so I simply waved back.

No one needed to know what had happened. It was between me and Jade.

As I moved closer, I realized it had been Beck. I sighed internally as I put on my best actress smile and slid next to him on the bench.

"Heyy! What's up, charmer boy?" I gave my best teasing smirk as he shoved me playfully. This is what I needed Jade to understand, that I couldn't lose this, I couldn't lose this friendship I held so dear.

"Where were you?" Chimed in Andre from his seat, his eyes were on anything but me, though. He was very intently staring at Cat who had on the ditziest of smiles while staring at the air.

"Guys..Is she okay?" Came a concerned voice in the background. The whole gang turned to look almost like a set of creepy animatronics. It was Rex.

Everyone nodded as they greeted Robbie, the puppet complaining no one had any manners with him.

I smiled nervously as I directed my question to the ditzy redhead, "Care to share what's got you so happy?"

She turned to look at everyone, a huge toothy grin adorning her face, dimples big, "Sam! Sam said she's staying!" An onslaught of pure silence followed as everyone looked at each other in confusion.

I guess we were all thinking the same thing, "who is Sam?" But before anyone could get to that question, Beck turned to look at me again.

"Really, where were you?" I tucked a strand of hair in my ear as I avoided eye contact.

"I was in the bathroom. Jade needed help to zip up her skirt, it got stuck," I explained as I shoved more fries in my face. I knew that Jade was still mad at me but I still wanted to be her friend. I didn't want that to change..although, I think she felt differently.

Beck nodded, his stylish hair shaking in the process. He seemed to think for a few minutes before deciding that what I had said was believable enough and turned to hear Cat's story of how she met her new "favorite roomie".

I breathed a sigh of relief.

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