Chapter 4 (Edited)

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Jade's POV

I felt frustration envelope me as the words reverberated in my head, "What do you mean 'get out', Vega?" I felt my composure give, my head pounding. 

I had been nothing but nice to Vega the past two days, I had treated her like a friend and I could very well be doing something more important than sitting here, waiting for someone to wake up who is never going to but I didn't. I had supported her. 

And up until this moment, I thought she was always going to support me but even then...even the one person I relied on, wanted to leave me. 

"All I've done is support you these past few days! I've been working my ass off so we can be actual, good friends! What the fuck, Vega?!" I felt tears pour down my cheeks in anger. The brunette merely looked at me, her stare harsh. 

"You say that but if it weren't for you, I would've been able to stop Trina! I wouldn't have been distracted, Jade! Don't You get it?!" Vega stood up from her seat as she came closer to me, staring at me harshly. 

I felt the guilt rush into me, "But-." She was right. Why would she waste her time on her high school bully when she had just gone through something so traumatic? When she really needed her sister instead of an unreliable friend? But that didn't mean she had to treat me like this, less than human. 

"No, Jade. You've been nothing but mean to me ever since I first arrived, why should I now believe we're friends, that this isn't some scheme? I could've been with her but I chose to waste my time on my high school bully." Vega looked up at the ceiling, her fists at her sides. 

Although she wasn't wrong, it felt unfair that she seemed unable to move on from the past. I was pissed, more than pissed. I had tried to change, to be good and all I got was a shit show. 

"Whatever, I'm done here." Vega stayed silent as I stalked out of the room, not even bothering to stop me even though I wished she would. 


Tori's POV

As Jade ran out of the room, I noticed a mop of black hair bump into her. 

"How is she?" Beck stated as he stood next to me. I sighed outwardly as I stared at my sister. 

"She seems..not good but at least she can't feel the pain, right?" I smiled grimly as more tears ran down my face.  

He nodded solemnly. After a few minutes of silence, the pale skinned guy in front of me began to dig around in his jean's  pockets. 

"You don't have to read this now but I found it when I found Trina. It was addressed to you." 

I grabbed the letter from him, opening it slowly. 

Dear, Tori, don't forget that you're strong. Strong enough for this. I'm sorry that I left you, I really am but I couldn't take it anymore. I felt trapped in my home life, and in school. You're well aware of what everyone thinks of me, and it hasn't done me any favors and then the whole situation with mom and dad happened. I felt like I was going to break and I couldn't let you see that. See me. So..I did what I did to spare you, little sis. I love you. Don't you forget it. 

- Trina

I felt the tears spring to my eyes for the millionth time tonight. I couldn't bare to do this alone, and I knew it wasn't Beck who I needed. 

Although I was reluctant to admit it, Jade had been a good friend the past few days and I had just been horrible to her. It was almost like our roles had switched, I shook my head at the absurd thought. 

"Hey, Can you watch her? Stay with her, please." I looked at Beck for a nod. 

"Thank you. I'll be back." 

"Bye Tori, she's in good hands." I smiled slightly as I walked away. I knew where I was going. 


Jade's POV

I opened my door expecting there to be the pizza delivery guy but instead I was met with a distraught Tori Vega. She seemed unsure of what to say as she stared at me. 

"What do you want, Vega?" I crossed my arms as she looked at me. 

"I"m sorry, Jade." I inhaled deeply. People didn't ever apologize to me, it felt good to have her feel sorry but I shook my head. I wasn't going to let her in again, she only thought of me as the girl she first met.

"No, we're not friends anymore, you clearly don't want to be, and you only see the past me, Vega." I felt angry tears rush to my eyes.

Vega stared down at the pavement, her voice shaky, "No. I don't. I'm so sorry, please..I need you. I can't do this alone." As she looked up, my heart shattered at the sight of her red-puffy eyes, and her broken expression. 

I never did apologize for many incident anyways, "I'm sorry too. For everything." I smiled slightly,  as I saw her start lunging towards me with open arms. Typical Vega and her hugs. 

"I am as well, I didn't mean to kiss him, you know? I just didn't want you to step all over me...." She looked away as she said the last part almost silently. I had almost forgotten the very reason for my hatred, though it was long in the past now. 

I chuckled, "I didn't know you had a different side to you. Nice, Vega. I respect it."

As we both entered her car, she put her hand over mine, "I'm going to do everything to prove that I don't think like I said." She squeezed my hand gently. 

I smiled at her but as I did, I felt an uneasy and queasy feeling settle in my chest. 

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