Chapter 5 (Edited)

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Tori's POV

I couldn't help but stare at the goth girl while she recited her monologue on stage. The past few months she had proven to have a huge heart, one I had many times doubted even existed within her. 

I smiled slightly, who knew Jade West would be the one to get me through my depression? 

I giggled silently as the rest of the group gawked at Jade's obscene gestures towards her pretend husband, Beck. To my understanding, Beck and the impossibly beautiful goth girl, had not yet settled their differences. 

Even if I knew it was wrong, something in me spurred with satisfaction at her outright disinterest. Maybe it was because for the longest time, I had been the target...or maybe because..

I never let myself get that far. Just the mere thought sent me into a rapid tizzy. 

"So? What'd you think?" I was snapped out of my thoughts about the very girl, her soothing whispers a lullaby to my ears. 

"You were great," I smiled slightly at her, having to physically look up as she was looking over me. She smiled, baring her teeth a second after in mockery. 

Even if we were friends, this was still Jade fricking West. I shook my head slightly, mock disapproval visible on my features. 

"We should go," Her tone became serious and directive as she looked over at me, the bell signaling that the period was over. That made me shiver with want, need..

I mentally slapped myself. No. You are JUST friends. Just friends.


Jade's POV

As I waited for Tori to collect herself, I pondered upon the odd expression that had shown its way onto her face. For a split second I wondered if she grappled with what I did, if she truly did want what I wanted but then again...

Maybe it was a trickery of the shitty lights. That could've been it, they were rather old and worn. School budgets. 

We walked through the halls in comfortable silence. As Tori approached the glass doors that let us out into the lunch area, I walked faster. I slowly opened the door for her, bowing, "After you m'lady." 

Tori's face seemed to flush in slight embarrassment. "What are you doing?" She whispered harshly, her kinky hair cascading down her back. I straightened myself out, back pressed against the cold metal. 

"Nothing," I replied with a hint of amusement, I looked down at my nails pretending to inspect the chipping. Once I was sure that Vega's sight was still on me, I looked up merely to bare my teeth. She bounced back at least three feet, dashing towards the lunch table. 

I laughed lightly, I loved messing with her. It was way too easy. 

I settled right next to the brunette, her warm leg touching my own. She was wearing a short denim skirt paired with a black mesh top. I approved of the look, she looked hot. Tori was cute, on a usual day to day basis but this...No, she was hot

She had let her natural curly hair show, a trait inherited from her latina mother, I believe. Her makeup was dark, eyeliner formed in a perfect cat eye, the inner corner sharp. 

Among the months of our friendship, I had realized that Victoria Vega wasn't what everyone thought. Oh no no, she was hardcore. I admired her endurance. She had gone through so much yet her beautiful smile never faded, the twinkling in her eyes never diminished. 

She had confided in me about her life before all of this, told me about her parents and how those bastards had merely left her on her own after her twelve birthday. After that she saw them less and less, her mom always readied, made up all pretty, always cheating with some man. Her father, he worked tirelessly but that didn't stop him from being downright, utterly disgusted by her. 

She had told me...she had told me the reasoning for the posters in her room and I had listened, and I had merely nodded along, exclaiming a "me too." 

It was no secret to myself and others that I wasn't exactly the straightest person around but I had never explicitly stated it.

I still remember her shocked face, but she didn't dare push and I didn't explain. I liked that about her, she knew my limits, my thoughts. I smiled silently as I admired the beautiful girl, her tan skin glistening as she shoveled yet another forkful of salad down her mouth. 

"What?" Although I understood the word, it came out all muffled as she looked back at me, her cheeks looking like that of a squirrel. I couldn't help but laugh.

"You look like a-! A-! A squirrel!" As I stared back at her, the rest of the group joined in on the laughing.

Cat exclaimed from her seat, "Squirrels are so cute. One time my brother ate a squirrel and we had to spend my birthday in the E.R."

The group all stopped laughing simultaneously, "What?" 

We all looked at each other, Andre starting on a story about his grandma. Robbie admired cat from afar, whilst Beck just looked down at the floor, foot tapping incessantly. 

Tori looked back at me, food having been swallowed. "You're not very nice." She pouted as she crossed her arms across her chest in a child-like manner.

"No, I'm not but that's what you like," I leaned into her ear slightly, "you like it rough." I winked as I stood up, nonchalantly throwing away my coffee cup. I could feel Tori's gaze on me, pin pointing her expression of disbelief in my head. 

Yep. As I turned around I was met with the sight of a gawking Vega. I smiled an innocent smile as I sat back down, my hand resting on the small of her back, this time tentatively. I didn't know if I was pushing too far. 

To my surprise, and delight, Tori leaned into me slightly, her warmth radiating off of her onto my cold body. She turned her head back towards me, "I still don't understand how you don't sweat." 

"Magic, baby," I whispered in her ear. I swear I felt her shiver but I couldn't decipher if it had been from dislike I grimaced. You're killing me, Vega.

As I tuned back into the conversation, I felt Vega scoot closer to me, my hand still on her lower back. 

I eyed her as the young Latina started scribbling down something in her notebook, pen wedged between the pages, "I'll be right back." I watched her walk back into the school, going in the direction of the girl's bathroom. 

As I tapped my finger on the table, I looked around to see if Tori was coming back. Good, she's not. Maybe she has something good...

I slowly dragged the brown leather notebook towards me, flipping through a few pages until I got to the last one. In cursive handwriting, letters small and intricate, it read: 

Jade West, my muse. 

I slowly felt the heat rise to my cheeks, what did that even mean? Vega needed better vocabulary for fucks sake. 

As I saw that everyone was getting up to leave for their respective classes, I decided it would be the perfect time to ambush Tori in the bathroom. 

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