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"We need to set you up with him!" Akina excitedly claps her hands and her sister agrees.

"But I don't want him to notice that I have a crush on him yet" Kyung shyly smiled.
"Girls trying to spend time with him...isn't that too obvious"

"Yes it is" Y/N tilts his head.

Kyung noticed that he wasn't that excited as the others.

"Y/N~" She suddenly smiles for him.
"Can you be like...a wingman for me this time?"

"Me?...but I don't even talk to him" Y/N couldn't smile, he was unhappy about Kyung's news.

"Pleaaase! We've been friends for so long! Just this time" She holds Y/N's arm and whined.

"Don't use the friend card on me" Y/N laughed.
"Ok, I will find a way to talk with him..."

"Thank you! By the way! I've been thinking about going to KTV after school, want to come?" Kyung offers.

As you all can notice, Eu Kyung was the social butterfly of the group and the person who sets hangouts.
Not to mention that their little group was mostly popular for her appearance.

Y/N also had a big presence in the group, but everyone seems to have different opinions about him.

When Eu Kyung is mostly seen a good person, Y/N was forced to hear rumors about him everyday.

About the reason he has gyaru friends, the reason he wears pinkish color clothes, the way he acts and more.

Everything about him seemed like a interesting discussion for the school gossip squads.

But it didn't affect Y/N, he didn't careless and didn't fear about what people said.
That's why there also people amazed by his personality.

Amaya as the gossip girl of the group, knew a lot of things, she knows everyone's personality and drama.
But Eu Kyung was like a mystery that is impossible to deceive.
Amaya always felt like Kyung was hiding something.

Y/N noticed the time and decided to quickly head back to the classroom.

Akina waves at them and heads to another class.

Y/N was the first one to sit down, while the others were still talking to eachother.
He saw Mitsuya walking in the classroom with some fabric.

Soon after a girl walks in holding some papers and gave it to the boy.

"Thank you Yasuda" Mitsuya said.

"No problem Mitsuya-kun!" Yasuda smiled.

"Wait, who is she" Kyung frowns as she glances over the two.

"Yasuda...She is from the Home Economics Club, the same where Mitsuya Takashi is in. She's his friend for a long time I've heard, very close to the boy!
Besides that, she doesn't like delinquents, but keeps wandering around Mitsuya who is a gang's division captain somehow" Amaya easily introduced the girl to them.

"Thank you Wikipedia girl" Y/N commented with a small giggle.

"Bleh" Amaya sticks her tongue out for few seconds and then giggles just like Y/N.

Eu Kyung was serious and curious about the girl.

"She lacks of fashion...literally, her braids are so ugly...do you guys see the way she dresses?" The statement that Kyung let out made the other two friends stunned.

"That was mean Kyung..." Y/N frowns at her, not believing what she said.

"But it is true! You're just too kind trying to not hurt anyone. I wouldn't even come to school if I looked like that" Eu Kyung tries to hold her laugh while checking her make up on the small mirror she always carries.

"Oi! Kyung! I used to have that hair style, what the hell are you saying?" Amaya was angry at her.
"You used to tell me that it was cute"

"Uh, that was when you used it silly~ but...that Yasuda girl....tch" Kyung didn't care and starts to apply her lip balm.

Y/N glanced over Mitsuya's side quietly, noticed that the lilac boy was comforting Yasuda who had her head down.
Mitsuya gives a quick look at the pink haired girl and then continued to comfort Yasuda.

'They totally heard it...' Y/N turns his attention back to the girls.

"Oh! Y/N! You should try asking him to go on KTV with us today!" Eu Kyung suddenly remembers and puts her things down.

"Uhm...fine, but only if you stop talking about the girl" Y/N waits for the answer.

"What? Sure sure, just go bestie" Kyung pats Y/N's back and then the boy walks towards the lilac haired one.

"I am fine Mitsuya-kun! I can't be defeated this easy-" Yasuda noticed Y/N walking there.

"Uhm excuse me..." Y/N was finding words to say.

"What" Yasuda looks at the Gyarus instead of the boy, knowing that they were the reason Y/N was there.

"Uhm...so" Y/N sighed.
"I am sorry that you guys heard what my friend said..."

The boy decided to apologize first instead of helping Kyung.

"I didn't even know that my friends could say those things to someone...I am very sorry that you were attacked by her words Yasuda-San" Y/N bowed

"What is he doing" Kyung noticed Y/N bowing.

"Let him do his things" Amaya made her to not focus on Y/N.
'I've always been correct! Kyung is acting so different...'

"You shouldn't be apologizing for you friend L/N-San" Mitsuya let the other one know.

"I will only hear apologizes from that snakes own mouth" Yasuda crossed her arms.

"I was also told to ask you if you wanted to go to KTV with us..." Y/N still mentioned what Kyung asked to.

"I don't have time" Mitsuya answers quickly.

"Great" Y/N said making them frown.
"Uh, I don't mean in that way"

"Great in what? So you can spend time with the girls alone?" Yasuda tilts her head and questions Y/N.

"Those are...rumors...they are my friends" Y/N sounds sad, hearing what Yasuda said.
"But anyways! It is not because of girls"

"Isn't it because you like one of them and don't want Mitsuya to steal her by how good looking he is?" Yasuda continues.

"This is unnecessary Yasuda." Mitsuya tries to stop his friend.

"But! Why would they want you to join them in a hangout so suddenly! It is totally suspicious!" Yasuda pointed it out.
"And if they ask you, it must because one of them like you! What if this boy here likes that girl and gets jealous and is willing to hurt you!"

"I don't like girls!" Y/N said.


"Uhm, I mean that I didn't like the girls that I am friends with!...sorry...please stop...You're making my rumors worst at this point hahah" Y/N chuckles, he doesn't want a rumor about hurting anyone.

"Yasuda, apologize" Mitsuya told her.

"I am sorry....I got too overthinking..."

"It's fine! Sorry for the inconvenience" Y/N heads back to Kyung.

"How was it? I noticed that the things got a little agitated at the end" Kyung laughed.

"He doesn't have time and the Yasuda girl heard tou bad mouthing her" Y/N reports.

"What!....fuck...my image must be ruined in Mitsuya's eyes!" Kyung got worried.
'I need to apologize to her early...'

At this point, something on Y/N's mind clicked.

'She became an asshole...hahah...' Y/N was happy inside for some reason...

'This might sound selfish...but I will keep Mitsuya for myself...I won't give him to you Eu Kyung'


Hope you liked it!
Sorry for any typoooo!

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