"What Marco doesn't know won't hurt him,Joe"  the one who Skye figured was called Issac replied.

In that moment she wished Marco was there.

Joe shrugged and both boys began to hit her whilst insulting her. They had no reason to do it but she was just a first year who seemed weak and they enjoyed her fear.

"Let's go"  Issac finally said when he saw Skye was struggling to stay conscious.

Skye laid on the ground beaten, memories of what the men did to her came rushing back and she started to cry.

Marco hated maths. That's why he agreed to help out in gym class the other day. He was suppose to be in maths class now but he couldn't be bothered so he walked out of school. He usually went behind the bleachers to smoke. It was a bad habit that he  knew he needed to stop but right now he didn't want to deal with school.

He lit the cigarette and went to the spot he always did. At first he didn't see anyone but when he saw a crumbled up body he almost laughed until he saw the small body was Skye. He dropped the cigarette in shock and quickly stepped on it putting it out.

"Skye" he called as he rushed over. She was barely conscious but she was conscious which Marco was relieved about. He found himself dropping to his knees and pulling her against his chest.

"I tried to stop them but they never listened to me. I tried so hard" Skye whispered.

Marco thought she was talking about whoever did this to her but in reality Skye was talking about the men.

"Yes I know how hard you tried, its okay now" he said tightening his arms around.

"Am I dead" she whispered.

"No! Why would you think that"

"You're not insulting me" she whispered closing her eyes

"Skye! Fuck. Skye come on wake up for me" Marco quickly stood picking  Skye up for a moment he pulled her closer to his chest holding her securely he practically ran to the nurses office. He didn't fail to notice how light she was.

"What happened " the nurse asked.

"My sister. I found her like this she was barely conscious but then she passed out" It was the first time he had acknowledged Skye as his sister since they came back. He placed her on the check up bed thing.

The nurse moved forward to Skye when she suddenly opened her eyes. She looked around in fright looking at both the unknown woman and Marco.

Had Marco brought her here to hurt her.

"No. I'm sorry please don't " she cried bringing her knees to her chest.

"It's okay you're in the nurses office I'm the school nurse" the nurse spoke calmly.

"Don't touch me" Skye said backing away.

"I need to examine your bruises" the nurse said calmly.

"No. Please just don't touch me" Skye whispered.

"She won't touch you. Are you in any pain" Marco decided to speak up.

Skye looked at him confused why he was still here. She wasnt in pain, she knew she hadn't got any broken bones, she had become so numb to pain that she no longer could feel it after an attack took place. He probably wanted to know so he could laugh at her.

"No" she replied.

"Okay, you are going to remain here and rest" Marco stated.

"I'm fine I can go back to  class"

The lost tripletsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora