You were no longer paranoid.

The water didn't feel as cold even though the weather is significantly colder than that night.

It's almost eerie how calm the two of you are, taking shallow loud breaths as the water continues to rise and rise until your bodies are covered.

And he slowly lets go of you, letting you swim further away and dip your head below the water before coming back up to the surface. Quietly observing your wet skin glowing in the faint sunlight, your eyes slowly opening to meet his.

It was never this quiet between the two of you.

It was usually loud - and aggressive, he never once dared to keep the silence going for too long but this time, it felt like there was almost no need for any useless thing such as words.

" Aren't you gonna swim under ? " You breathe, laying on your back in the water letting the waves brush you closer to the shore.

" It feels weird... when im sober " He says, slowly treading water towards you and you let out a quiet hmm, wrapping your whole body around him.

" How long has it been ?  "

" Two weeks " He replies, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer.

" It's nothing craz-"

" Sanzu, that's fuckin' crazy " You exclaim with a smile and he couldn't help but smile back, nodding his head from side to side.

" Hey, i see you alright ? All the shit you went through - i see that, you're trying and it matters " You blurt out, your hands making their way to either side of Sanzu's face.

His face is expressionless, eyes searching for yours desperately as he continues to stay silent because he never heard that before. He doesn't know what to say, what should he say ?


Instead, he pulls you down into the water with him, your body clinging hopelessly to his as the two of you make your way closer to the shore. You felt your feet touch the sand and came back up for air.

As soon as you did, it was bound to happen.

You didn't even catch a glimpse of his face or had time to open your eyes before his cold wet lips press against yours, uniting the both of you in a long and messy kiss without warning.

Your shivering body pressed against his like it was made for it, it naturally came to you without thinking.

A mess of heavy breathing and raw emotions that sparked a realisation in you.

This was long overdue, the feeling of loneliness and the void that's been begging to be filled seemed to slowly disappear once his lips were on yours.

His teeth bite into your bottom lip asking for more of your warmth and you didn't hesitate a second to give in to his request, parting your lips softly to let his tongue in.

It felt like the missing piece of a puzzle, it felt right - satisfying, caving into your inner desire thats always been present, you just both chose to ignore it in fear of what might happen after.

What will happen after ? It didn't matter , you needed this.

You needed him.

Your noses bump into each other when you take pull away to take small breaks for air only to push against each other again immediately after.

His hands wander down to your waist, desperately trying to pull you closer and closer than physically possible because he craved this, way more than you could ever imagine.

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