Destination : Camp 49

Start from the beginning

" Stop thinking that the same thing will happen again... That Baekhyun was way too arrogant... A relationship doesn't work with one's desire, Baekhyun didn't even want to hang on to a relationship before ending the year. I don't know why your father was fond of that stubborn brat. I felt like slapping him hard, when he came to take that so-called goodbye. He thought himself so smart," Mrs Park feels annoyed.

"Stop it,mom. Baekhyun was not that bad, I was at fault too I think. I was young and didn't know how to....."

" That bitch signed a mutual divorce agreement without your consent. Even if you think it's your fault,I don't think so. He didn't want to try a bit for the relationship. His relationship with his own parents has gone bad from this divorce. What he thinks himself, being divorced can he shine more in life? No wonder,his mother has stopped attending the charity funded by spouses officers, after I told others about her brat son. She doesn't even show her face in our club. She must be ashamed of his son's attitude. Like a son, like a mother. They fear that we will tell the actual truth to others about her son who couldn't even bear the child for three months. Beauty alone doesn't make anyone precious as a spouse. Infertile brat!" Mrs Park expresses her usual resentment towards Baekhyun in rude language. Her blind affection towards his own son has made her an absolute hater of Baekhyun.

Chanyeol feels bad every time his mother badmouths Baekhyun. He has thought a lot after Baekhyun left. He was way too judgemental about Baekhyun.

Chanyeol always wanted to be honest and cool. But he forgot that Baekhyun was not a product,but a human. He took the arranged marriage as a burden on his shoulder. Even the responsibility of Baekhyun on him seemed a burden to him. Baekhyun was perfectly perfect, But it was he who couldn't think of him as his better half,until Baekhyun left on his own to give space.

The sudden disappearance of Baekhyun from his life created a huge space in Chanyeol life which was suffocating for him. He had a huge resentment towards Baekhyun for issuing divorce papers without his consent. He didn't take even one day to sign the papers and send it back as court order to Baekhyun within one week.

And it was the day Baekhyun really disappeared from the eye-sight of the Park family. He didn't even respond to any text or call,even several attempts to meet him went in vain...

Within two months, Chanyeol started to think that he had done a huge abuse towards Baekhyun. Baekhyun gave him space and he blocked the space with arrogance and resentment.

With time, Chanyeol started to feel his time with Baekhyun was better than being alone or being with anyone.

Slowly Baekhyun and Baekhyun's likings started to replace his habits. He started to try the things he complained about Baekhyun voluntarily ,so that he can hate Baekhyun more from the core. But it has resulted in a reversal result.

Getting the appointment letter of military employment,his first thought was that Baekhyun would be interested to meet him for once then. From the civilian medical profession he joined Army Medical Core , so that Baekhyun could understand he changed and could get a space to criticize him.

He heard so many times that after divorce

ex-partners become enemies forever. But for Chanyeol he started to have feelings for the petite male. With time it has risen to such a level that every time he meets someone for blind dating or for other purposes, he compares them with the criteria of Baekhyun.

Baekhyun has risen to such a standard to him that none can satisfy his primitive or social desires anymore....

Chanyeol wants to meet him for once to know if what he is feeling for Baekhyun is genuine or not... He thinks he can't marry someone without meeting Baekhyun again at least for once.

After entering into the military,he tried several times to meet Baekhyun. Baekhyun was on an abroad mission for almost one and half years. Even after returning from the mission,he took his posting towards the Military Demarcation Zone of South Korea. That zone is one of the highest security borders in the world. As that's the peace borderline between South and North Korea. Having posting in that zone is always confidential. And Chanyeol heard that Baekhyun wanted posting there on his own. Obviously Baekhyun is doing well on his own, and Chanyeol wishes Baekhyun can wipe the old scars from his heart or forget him, otherwise it won't be easy to meet Baekhyun again.


6 month later...

Major Park Chanyeol reports his presence in the central office of the continental peace keeping mission authority. He patiently waits for the next command from the head office of the UN( United Nations).

Although there was an initial command frame that after reporting his presence,he will be taken to his given camp near the border area of the country named Tycidania, the initial plan has changed on breakout of a bloody conflict with a terrorist organisation attrack over the country.

Already several medical cores have been replaced in that country that have created a blank space in several camps. And as a high profile zone, camps need more experienced doctors to provide treatment to soldiers and general people. So they requested to replace old mission medical cores to Tycidania and let new mission officers join the peaceful area on a short scale.

So, Chanyeol's destination is changed now and he has to wait in the hotel until the next command from the head office arrives near him.


At last at the next morning the changed posting order of Chanyeol arrives, at the head office he meets other soldiers who are destinated to the same country.

Although Nkosazania is torn with civil war and war with other countries, recently the condition there is relatively silent. Controlling terrorism, poaching and drug-human trafficking are huge challenge there. The team members working in the medical team there have been replaced by campaigns of . And there has been a huge shortage in the border camps of Nkosazania . It's not an emergency there, so the head office has decided to appoint new officers on a small scale there.

Chanyeol shakes hands with Major Kim Jongin ,a young officer,who has the same destination as him, Camp 49 of Nkosazania. Both of them wait for the green signal from head office to get in the helicopter waiting in the helipad for Freedonia. Besides carrying the officers and soldiers,the vehicle is carrying important raw material supplies for camp 49 of Nkosazania.


Getting out from the helicopter,Major Park Chanyeol waits when soldiers starts to carry the materials from helicopter to keep on the small field. It's not a permanent helipad,but a temporary helipad , where a Huge H shaped letter is drawn on the stoney ground with white paints. The officer who is in charge of this supply chain is talking with someone at a distance,maybe they are the one who belongs to camp 49 of Nkosazania.

"This is not fair that everytime we prepare our officer for mission. Make them experts and head office replaces them with shortest time notice. Guiding an officer and making someone expert in such a geographical area are one of the hardest work to do. We need permanent officers in every core for longer time,at least for one year. This is the fourth time in five months we are having hard times in such a crucial zone," A Major rank officer says to the officer of the helicopter supply chain.

"Why don't you give a written application to head office? I am only bound to replace nothing else."

"But I have to stand in cross-questions with my seniors. Lieutenant Colonel Kim won't like it," The major says while stepping towards the helipad.

The soldiers behind salute the officer who comes forward to receive them for camp 49.

"Major Byun Baekhyun... Second in command in camp 49 of Nkosazania," The major introduces himself to the majors standing and soldiers standing in front of him.


I have avoided using any particular country name.

And I have used imaginary country name.

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