Let's Not Cross Our Path

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Standing on the stage of marriage, Dr Park Chanyeol smiles awkwardly looking at the bride whose face is covered with a long veil,but still he can get a view because of the semi-transparency of the veil.

His spouse to be, Major Byun Baekhyun, wanted to wear his military uniform. But Chanyeol refused the idea in one go. 

He never was interested in anyone, especially those who are in the military. Chanyeol's family has a long, long tradition of joining the military. His grandfather was a mighty general who fought in the Korean War in 1953. His father is a high rank military personnel who is soon in the line of deputy chief of Army. 

But Chanyeol never wanted to join the military. He is happier being a civilian than a military personnel. 

As the only one son of the family, Chanyeol's parents wanted too much for Chanyeol to join the army even as a doctor. But he refused. The last way for them to maintain the tradition of the Park family was to keep the military line in the family was marriage of Chanyeol with a military personnel.

And it was Major Byun Baekhyun,who was liked by Chanyeol's parents as a potential candidate. Byun Baekhyun is not only young intelligent promising officer, but also a pretty Korean male with polite behaviour. His father is also a military personnel, a former army personnel although not was  much influential officer but a clean officer with highly praised person with etiquettes.

Baekhyun walks on the aisle holding his father's arm. Mr Byun seems emotional while trying to hold his tears. Chanyeol looks at the petite male with much annoyance that he doesn't focus much on the emotional environment for Baekhyun's family.

"Fuck!... He walks like a robot... Is he marching on the aisle? I definitely hate it. Should I run from the marriage? Can I bear this robot? I hate army people. I can never love Byun Baekhyun from my heart," the internal thinking of Chanyeol returns like  a ghost over his shoulder to whisper in his ear. After having five blind dates, the marriage was finalized on the approval of both families. 

Yes, Chanyeol approved the marriage... But he is sure that this marriage will not bring any happiness...

 Baekhyun shyly smiles towards Chanyeol coming at the end of the aisle.

Chanyeol spreads his hand towards Baekhyun with no desire and no willings. He welcomes Baekhyun to a life without love in his world...


"Can you stop walking like that?" Chanyeol complained suddenly  on the 7th day after their marriage while on a date with Baekhyun in a restaurant as a part of their honeymoon. They are on Jeju island right now. They have come to get a view of the beautiful island from a hanging bridge.

"Like what?" Baekhyun asks, surprised while almost turning his body to look at Chanyeol leaning on the railing of the bridge.

"Straight like a giraffe... That's way too robotics to look... There's no pretty gesture in you only because of this over-straight backbone. It's an eye-hurting scenery," Chanyeol says in an annoyed voice.

Baekhyun suddenly feels so awkward. 

"Is it not normal to have a straight backbone? If I have a bending backbone, that's a disease and unfit for the body. To enter the military straight backbone is a must. Don't you know as a doctor?" Baekhyun tries not to let Chanyeol understand that he is hurt .

"This doesn't look even a bit attractive.Elevation of bodies with every move is more attractive and sexy."

"Do you not find me attractive?" Baekhyun asks with surprise in voice.

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