It's Okay... You're Safe -Chapter 2

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Jason paced back and forth in his apartment. What else was he supposed to do!? He was sure that there was a better option but his brain was coming up blank. The injured kid was in his bedroom at that moment, laying on the bed and still unconscious like he had been ever since Jason had found him.

The police were a no-go. Everyone in Gotham knows those guys were corrupt. Any hospital or orphanage was also out of the question. Hospitals would call it in, and orphanages might not pry into his background, but at this point, almost all of them were just a front for traffickers. And he was not letting that happen to this kid.

Then of course was the big Bat- not like Jason would ever talk with him anyway, but he might take care of the kid. But that would bring up the Meta problem. Bruce had a very strict rule on Metas in Gotham. Sure, he might find out who did this to the kid, but he wouldn't be able to permanently solve the problem. Not like Jason was planning to.

Jason clenched his hands and growled. He needed to take care of this kid himself until he could find a better option. He still needed answers as to why the pit seemed to react to him so much, anyway. It hummed every time he was near, and not only that, but the pit led him to the kid in the first place. So far he hasn't wanted to strangle him or anything, but the kid also has been unconscious the whole time.

Jason has had the Pit under control for the last few months. He hadn't gone into a pit rage which is good, hadn't tried to murder his replacement again... but that was beside the point. He needed to make sure that when this kid woke up Jason didn't end up trying to hurt him. Jason would never willingly hurt a kid, and right now, all the Pit wants to do was murder the shit out of whoever hurt a kid that badly in the first place.

Jason didn't get to see the full extent of the kid's injuries. Part of him was glad he didn't. If he did, he was worried he might have gone into a Pit rage then and there, especially with how Leslie was acting about it. He had no idea what the kid went through. The experimentation on metas was illegal but that didn't mean it didn't happen. And that was probably what happened to the kid.

Then, of course, there was the collar. He needed to find someone to get that thing off of him, and soon. Jason had a couple of ideas of who he could call but he didn't want to do so right away. He needed to find out what that collar was doing to him specifically, first. And that would require talking to the kid.

Jason stopped pacing to tangle his hands in his hair and pull, trying to distract his racing mind with the pricks of pain. He was going to wear a hole in the ground at this point. He was also probably going to anger the man downstairs, seeing as it was four in the morning.

Leslie hadn't prescribed any medication for the kid. She said that it would be too risky to just give him something and hope it would work with his unknown metabolism. But she did say that he would need lots of rest and that Jason probably should be very careful around him.

Jason had finally convinced himself to sit down when a crashing sound came from his bedroom and a strangled sound of pain. Jason's eyes widened as he rushed down the hallway towards the room he had left the kid in. He opened the door and it took a second before his eyes locked onto the kid.

The kid had scrambled into the corner of the room. His eyes were wide and terrified, and they glowed a bright green that lit up the room with a dull light. The Pit again.

Jason paused. The room was cold, very cold actually, enough to make Jason shiver as he stared at the trembling dark-haired teenager. Jason could feel pure terror being emitted from the kid, like waves of energy. It actually made Jason feel scared from just being around it. Like it was affecting him. Forcing him to feel an emotion that was not his own.

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