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Start from the beginning

"I believe so, but I don't know without looking, and it's at home."

"OK, we can figure that out next week then, I guess. Dad might let me use his music laptop," I said. "Maybe we should figure out a little schedule."

"Sounds good to me," Jade nodded, standing up, as I did the same. I didn't bother closing the floor panel, since there were just wires everywhere and I'd definitely mess something up. "Alright, shall we practice 'Doomed' and see how it goes?"

"Yeah, sure."

Since we had not planned at all, clearly, we had to play the lyric video on YouTube on Jade's phone, because we'd forgotten that both of us needed to hear the song to play slash sing along to it. It took her a few tries to get into the rhythm, and I let her play the whole song through - and wow, she really had learned the song, and it sounded epic vibrating through the room like that - before we went through the second time round.

With the nature of this song, I couldn't really sing all the lyrics, as they overlapped a lot. It also meant a lot of the music seemed missing - this was where the lack of drumming and electronic keyboard noises was very noticeable. However, I could tell we were onto a winner here. 'Doomed' may not have been the easiest song to start with, but that didn't matter too much. If we could nail this one, we could nail other ones.

"OK, that was good!" Jade enthused, pausing her phone and grinning. "It's a start, anyway. We'll get some speakers, bring in my keyboard, maybe another microphone so I can do the backing vocals, sort a drummer, then we're perfect, boom, done, we're performing at festivals and we're famous."

"Bit enthusiastic there, aren't we?" I laughed.

She just shrugged. "I mean, it's a long shot. I don't want to know the probability. We just finished that topic in maths. But there's no reason we can't do those things."

"Depends if we can source another microphone, speakers, and the biggest problem at the moment, the drummer," I pointed out.

Jade's face fell. "Wait a minute. Do we even have a drumkit?"

"Yeah, my Uncle Chris is the drummer in my dad's band," I said. Being my dad's brother, Jade didn't have a lot to do with my Uncle Chris, but he was a great guy. And his drumkit was sick. I was about ninety nine percent certain he'd let us borrow it. "When we've got someone, I'll ask him to bring it up for us to practice with."

After that, we decided to practice again. With the amp, and the echoes of the room, Jade was enjoying experimenting with bending the chords and making them sound generally funkier, and it made it sound way cooler. The sounds reverberated off the walls and bounced back again in all kinds of ways. It would be awesome to do some recording in here - no wonder dad and his band came here. The place was falling apart but that didn't matter.

I, on the other hand, was taking the opportunity to work on my vocals properly now that I didn't have to worry about confining my practice time to the brief snippets of time when mum was at the shop (I tried to practise my singing while mum was still in the house and she told me to shut up and it nearly knocked my confidence totally until my dad came up and told me to carry on now that she'd gone to the shop). And even when she was out, I never practised the scream-singing. Not properly anyway.

But now I just kinda wanted to let it all out now that I was in a very echoey room and in the mood to scream BMTH lyrics like I was at a concert (not that I've ever been to a concert).

'Doomed' didn't really have that much scream-singing in, nor did I exactly want to go for something like 'Play For Plagues', so I ended up singing 'wonderful life' at the top of my voice. Jade had mentioned that Sal had specifically requested it, so we'd decided to make that our next song.

𝘞𝘦'𝘙𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘛 𝘴𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘕𝘨𝘦𝘙𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘠𝘮𝘰𝘙𝘦Where stories live. Discover now