The end of the Summer

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" Hey, don't talk like that, we'll get this sorted out before your career starts, you don't have to hide it, what happened with Chariot was a terrible coincidence, she had to take Holbrooke's post, that's not going to happen with you Hellene, we won't let it and hey, look at us both, we're practically the first ones to know how to use magic, imagine if you become such a good witch when it's in skateboarding? " Said the dark haired one cheering up the redhead, who gets a corner smile.

" You really are a sun in my life Mari, so that's fine, you can come in, let's play a little together to relax, reminisce about how it was the best holiday of my whole life, at least now I know the truth, I know I'm a fruit of magic " Said the purple"eyed one, who was soon being cuddled.

The two hug each other like two friends still, even if their feelings showed different, both of them were just being more relaxed, spending their time playing, talking to each other as a way to not fill their heads so much with worries and as Cavendish always loved, the two kept playing Tony Hawk's american Wasteland together, doing the classic mode on co-op.
Near the rooftops of Luna Nova, Diana and Akko were arriving there, the two girls felt the cool breeze of that summer day, with some clouds approaching, signalling a rain that would be coming.

" It looks like it's going to rain, we won't be here that long " said the Scottish lassie.

" Don't cast a curse Diana, I just really want to talk about all these revelations.... I want to say that... Look... I know you must be in the biggest denial in the world right now " Atsuko said.

" I'm not, now that I've seen it in my own eyes I'm bargaining about the reality of magic, something that was hidden from me all these years, me living a lie, you know I feel empty now, all that stuff I lived all these years was nothing but a huge lie " Said the older Cavendish.

" Think of it as a new stage of your life Diana, impose yourself more, don't lower your head to everything that comes, you have to be you " Kagari said pointing her finger to her chest.

" I know, it's just that sometimes I'm afraid of disappointing my mothers, even if now they've just disappointed me, I still think how they'll react when they know that I never really wanted to be a skateboarder, that it's not my real passion, I only skateboard because at some point I liked it and also because I wanted to protect my little sister, but now I see it as a burden, as a chore, I don't see it as something fun, the only time I really had genuine fun was against you Akko, I ignited that urge to skateboard, but it's not my real passion " Said the platinum haired one.

" I've always noticed this, but now it's all clear in my head, I even feel privileged to be the person you're revealing this to, but if skateboarding isn't your passion.... What would it be? What would you like to do? " asks the brown-haired one.

" I wanted to have a career as a rally driver, that's why I'm all the time on those simulators, they perfectly simulate the sensations of driving a car, I want one day in the future to start racing on rally stages, but my mother Bernadette always showed a horrible fear of that, she always spoke very indirectly how my mother Laura was a clueless and that she risked a lot of danger in those races, because really crashing the car was normal and the tracks were dangerous for real " Said the blue-eyed one showing even a gleam coming out of them when talking about the subject.

" She wants to protect you Diana, but you won't know about that if you don't talk to your mothers first, try talking to your red-headed mother, she's the one who was the rally driver, who knows maybe you two together won't get there, like I said, you need to get that head up, not be afraid to ask your mothers for things " Said the crimson-eyed one placing her finger on her friend's chest.

The two half-heartedly fell silent, but it was noticeable that there was a smile on Diana's face as well, and then she ran her hand over Akko's face, with a few tears falling on the Scottish lass face, the inevitable was about to happen.
The faces of both girls slowly moved closer to each other, lips getting closer, until a slight nudge was given by Kagari, sealing a kiss from there on top of Luna Nova's roof. As if they were feeling a sensation that love was the strongest thing, even a strange lighting was coming off their shoulders, with red and blue colours, but strangely the pair didn't notice.
When their lips were together, tongues touching, all they felt was this, was the moist kiss between the two mouths, which soon ended up parting, with one looking at the other half blushing, but still feeling something strong.

Luna Nova Holiday CampTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang