opposites attract

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They took a while to place their order, chatted while waiting for the food to arrive. And when it did, even the delicious food couldn't stop their never-ending chat.

Throughout the time, they learnt many things about each other. Some small habits to big stuffs and some secrets.

They discovered about their similarities and same interests.

But most importantly, they discovered and learnt how opposite they were.

Taehyung learnt that Jungkook cannot survive without coffee.

Jungkook learnt that Taehyung doesn't like to have coffee, but he likes the smell.

Taehyung loves to eat, but doesn't know how to cook.
Jungkook loves to cook, in fact, he is a great cook.

Taehyung is a social butterfly, he loves to travel and mingle with new people.

Jungkook is more from the introvert side, he enjoys nature more and loves to spend time with his close ones.

Taehyung loved to talk.

Jungkook was more of a listener.

And the list goes on.

They discovered that they were fire and water according to their signs.
And they were, in fact, like fire and water, polar opposites yet compatible.

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