Chapter 10| The blue-eyed boy and the princess

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I awoke to the thousand notifications dumping into my phone. I propped myself up with an elbow and stared at the wall clock. It's just gone six, which meant I was early than usual. Mum didn't return last night. If she had, I would have heard the clattering of dishes from the kitchen. Hands trembling, I opened the messenger and found out our class chat group dumped with almost one hundred notifications and a thousand emojis. I half-knew this

I opened the group reluctantly.

Happy birthday, buddy! Mwah!

Happiest Birthday, best friend!

Josie! My best buddy! Lots of love for your birthday!

My throat dried in something weird. A knot was still there in my throat. I blinked twice when I found out Tris's message, followed by love emojis and flying kisses.

Happy birthday, princess! Enjoy your day!!

I closed my phone and lay down on the bed again. Princess, princess, princess. The word he used to call me sometimes. Back when we were fifteen. Before everything was sketched like a sparkling London Street, brimming with giggles and laughter.

The pressure started building over my chest. The air turned thick and sweaty. Ahh! I couldn't just take this anymore! The knot made it difficult for me to breathe. It was even more suffocating to see Tristan's message. 

Why do I even dream of sweet candies? How can I act so stupid when I think of Tristan? Tristan Asher, the most sought-after, most handsome, coolest guy to befriend- me? No! Despite all the impossibilities, I somewhere hope he considers me his best friend. I still believe he will say that to me one day. 

I didn't know why, but today I felt like showering sympathy upon myself. Cole would've said, "Never pity yourself, my lady. You're strong." Cole. Yes, he! Has he wished Josie? I quickly grabbed my phone. Of course, he did! Almost everyone has wished Josie, except a few, including me. And I would never.

I opened the messenger and scrolled up and down to find Cole's message. It took me a few seconds to find his. I was glad to see that.

Happy birthday, Josie.

Short, simple, yet a wish it was. After a few seconds, another dozen of messages popped. The same "happy birthday" message. Damn! I sighed in disgust when another new notification came. I didn't want to see that, yet I opened it. Mum.

*Hi baby, I'm sorry for not returning home last night. You had a good sleep, hadn't you? I'll reach home by ten. Try making some food- sandwiches? Take care. Love you.* 

I sighed again before typing away.

*Hey, don't worry. I'll make some food for myself. Drive home safe. Love you, Mum.*

I straight away went to the kitchen to make some sandwiches and juice. The air was still sweaty. I couldn't concentrate on anything today. Those words still lingered in my mind. Princess, princess.

I knew today was going to be a hard big day.


"Hey," Cole grinned as he sat beside me. I was amused to find him sitting beside him because he always preferred sitting beside James. 

"What happened to James?" I twisted my eyebrows when he offered me candy.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"No thank you, my lady. I have a lot to say, and you have a lot to hear." His voice was rough this time.

"Today's-" I was about to ask him when he interrupted.

"Josie's birthday." He faced me, "You knew that already. And," he paused a little, "I know what happened with you."

"No, you don't." I faced away.

"Look," he stretched his arms, "I know you better than him, okay? Stop arguing."

"Cole," I knew my voice would burst out anytime. "I think I should talk to her." I lowered my eyes and sighed. "I just can't let this go like this, Cole." I sighed; the pressure heavied my chest. "I'm just-" my voice choked.

"Hey," Cole grabbed my arm before patting my back and ruffling my hair, "No, Coral. Nothing's going wrong, okay?"

I looked at him hopelessly. "You don't understand, Cole," I whispered; my voice felt like exploding. My cheeks were burning.

"Sometimes," he tugged my hair behind my ear, "Friendships don't mean everything." I inhaled deeply. 

He leaned closer to my ear; his thumb brushed my knuckles. "Sometimes, you have to withstand these cold winds yourself."


I walked towards the basin when I found Tristan walking out of his class with a few other boys. His eyes snapped mine for a second before we crossed each other.

"Hey, Josie!" I fake smiled at Josie, who was standing against the wall. She looked pretty today but not attractive. Her dark brown hair came loose down her shoulder.

"Hi!" She grinned. I could feel Tristan looking back. He's gone for the obvious.

 "It's your birthday today?" I stepped closer. She nodded in excitement like a five-year-old toddler.

"Happy birthday," my voice came out as a low, unsteady whisper instead of a delightful squeal.

"Thank you so much, Flora." She beamed in delight as we washed our hands.

"Can we," I hesitated.

"Say it." She smiled.

"Can we eat together today?" I tried to sound more polite because it wasn't really my forte.

She narrowed her eyes before squealing in delight, "Of course!"


"So," I chewed the French pizza with relish, "I heard that you and Tristan are best friends." I blinked at her innocently and smiled.

Narrowing her eyes at me, she smiled, "What if I say," she paused. I could feel sweat dripping down my spine. "You're jealous?" The silly question made the environment normal. I expected to hear that.

"I'm not," I smiled; I was confident.

"Then what about this Josie and Tristan, Josie and Tristan, and so on?" She took a bit from my french pizza. I didn't speak as I watched students get in and out of the canteen. My eyes were glued on the walls. The green walls stood still. The same green walls that kept our heads against as we would read aloud adventurous tales to each other. 

"You influenced that blue-eyed boy," I faced her, "heavily."

Her face turned pale as she put the pizza on her plate. "What are you saying, Flora? I could not-"

"He disliked princesses and caught one. I was afraid she would punish him-" I took a deep breath, "instead, they both fell on the ground."

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