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Outside the brown old flat, silhouettes of large and tiny shapes can be seen in the warm lurid light from truncheons against the thin wall. Voices chatter in the crowds like the whispering mice behind the wall of Yoongi's room.

Like what he guessed it would be, most of the attendees at the party were all hunters and they stink like bears. The air was polluted with the smell of beer, and it was not the most pleasant smell for Yoongi. Yoongi was twenty and always had been. But he does not drink beer or any other alcohol, the smell of it makes him dizzy, and comes after it was the burning acid ascending to his throat so he tends to avoid it as much possible as he could; He prefers smoothies better.

Behind the counter, serving drinks was Henry. He'd known Henry since he was five, he was only a year older than him but he doesn't look so much his age. His father was Mr. Gae, Yoongi's father's best friend. Henry was a white chunky man with a brown goatee on his fat chin. He looked like the silly foolish man who messed up everything. For a fact, he is.

Yoongi walked through the crowds, scrunching his nose and trying not to breathe the chemical air. The wild music was banging violently against the flat timber wall. Yoongi squeezed through, scrupulously careful not to get caught by Henry. He was not avoiding him, he was just trying not to get seen by him or any other person that may have known his name.

Unfortunately, Henry saw him and was able to recognize his back among the crowds. He yelled his name. His modulated voice was almost inaudible in the cacophonous noises, but Min Yoongi heard it louder than any other sounds in the flat. He swiveled his head in the direction of the voice and saw the man with orange curly hair standing behind the counter, waving at him and smiling expansively.

Yoongi forced a slick grimace like the painful grin of a Cheshire cat. It froze on his lips before sliding down his chin and shattering on the floor. He raised his hand in the air, waving it heavily as though it is made of stone. His feet moved indolently towards the counter where the guy was now leaning forward the countertop.

"Hey, it's been a while... I'm glad you came," said Henry, staring straight into the latter's eyes. The smile remained on his lips and his eyes sparkled brighter than the stars above.

He couldn't move his eyes away from him as though it is made only to look into the lad's ethereal beauty. It seemed like the world around them had faded and there is nothing left but two of them, standing in the round body of fog. Henry fell in love with Yoongi when he was five, and starting from that day Henry knew already he wasn't normal. No man had thought that another man was gorgeous. And when that first thought crossed Henry's mind, he knew he was different from the boys in their school. But Henry never told him he loves him, or even that he fancied him-he just simply didn't try. Although it was as clear as the water in the Weddel Sea-he just couldn't tell him... yet.

"Yeah, it's been a while... How are you?" Yoongi asked, trying not to be awkward but he can't help it. He wanted to be invisible and leave the flat without a mud trail behind -only if he has superpowers but Yoongi knew superpowers are not real and ridiculous.

"I-I'm good, you? You've been looking..." Henry thought hard, choosing his words quite carefully in case he said something he shouldn't. Not wanting to get awkward like he already is.

"You've been looking..." He taps his tips on the counter impatiently, focusing on Yoongi.

"...looking... Great! Yeah, you've been looking great," Henry exclaimed and laughed nervously. Yoongi only beamed at him.

"Thanks, and I've been feeling as wonderful as the night." The night outside was dreary and cold. The skies were empty and they didn't look wonderful at all.


There he stood, on the open balcony under the fierce gaze of a full moon. Yoongi watched the snow fluttering down like magical confetti and it piled neatly on the ground in a thick white heap. The hiemal breeze wafts against his skin and the cold prick their sharp tails in his flesh.

The Wolf's Diary | M.yg × P.jmTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang