ally mayfair-richards - running

810 14 1

⚠️ CW: fighting/violence
Word count: 973.

"I never said that," Claire stated, straight faced with her arms folded. "You fucking did!" I yelled back. I could feel my face heating up as I clenched my fists by my side. "You can believe that if you want to," she shrugged nonchalantly. "You're such a fucking bitch, Claire," I hissed through gritted teeth. "Wow, calm down sweetie," she giggled and looked back at her friends who were standing behind her. I couldn't contain my self anymore.

I flew at her, my closed fist hitting her hard in the nose. My other hand gripped her hair at the root and brought it forward as I raised my knee, hitting her harshly in the forehead. "Y/n!" I heard some one yell from behind me. I didn't pay any attention, I was completely disassociated from my surroundings, completely engrossed by the wave of rage that had washed over me. I didn't even know what I was doing anymore, I couldn't control myself. I could hear her screaming in pain, and her friends just stood there, watching, their faces covered in sheer horror.

The next thing knew, a strong arm pulled me off of Claire and I kept kicking my legs, trying to get away from the person who had pulled me off. "Let me go let me go let me go!" I screamed as tears rushed down my flushed face.
  "Y/n, calm down, you need to stop!" The person holding me yelled as they wrapped an arm around my waist to hold me back. "No no no, stop!" I yelled at them, thrusting my elbows backwards to try to make them  release the intense grip they had on me. 

  "Honey, stop." Their feminine voice spoke directly into my ear. I started calming down as I realised who it was.

Ms Mayfair-Richards.

  "Calm down baby," she whispered. I didn't want her to see me like this. It's so embarrassing. I broke away from her grip, running down the hall and out the door. I harshly wiped the tears away from my face and I kept running.  


It seems like that's all I do. I always run away from everything, everyone. All my problems, all the pain, all the hurt. I feel like I can outrun it all, but I never can.
I sprinted down the road as fast as I could and to the little hill that overlooks the beach. I kneeled over, hands on my knees as I tried to catch my breath. I collapsed onto the ground and scooted over so that my back was resting on a tree. I shuddered as I took deep breaths in between sobs.
  "Why am I like this?" I mumbled to myself as I covered my face with my hand and my head fell back against the tree.

After a few minutes, I had calmed down and was just sitting against the tree, replaying the events that led to this moment.
  "Y/n?" I heard someone call out. Fuck. I looked back around the tree and saw Ally walking towards me. I tried to make myself invisible against the tree, but I obviously failed and I heard Ally sigh with relief.
  "I knew you would be here," she sat down next to me. I just ignored her and stared straight ahead. "I don't know what set you off back there, but I think that we should talk about it. This hasn't happened for a while, honey. Why is it happening again?" The brunette asked as she reached for my hand.
   "Why should I talk to you," I moved my hand out of her reach. I could tell that that would hurt her. I was in a dark place last year and she had helped me through it. We had gotten close and I even stayed at her house for a while until things got better at home. That was when she told me to call her by her first name when no one was around. She took a breath and swallowed before she said "because I'm Ally, honey you can always talk to me." I nodded in response.
"Honey, you really did it this time. There'll probably be some pretty big consequences. I hope Claire's family doesn't press charges," she gently placed her hand on my shoulder. I shrugged it off and hugged my knees tightly up to my chest.

  "The bitch deserved what she got," I spat.

   "Y/n, you're doing it again. You're blaming other people for your unacceptable behaviour."

  "She makes me so fucking mad," I muttered.

  "And you need to learn how to control that anger, sweetheart. When will you learn that that behaviour causes nothing but for people to be hurt by it?"
  I didn't answer.

  "Here's what we'll do. We'll go back to school, to my classroom and I'll call the principle. I want you to do some serious thinking, okay?" She asked me as she lifted my face with her index finger and looked at me. I nodded in response.
"And then maybe next week, you can apologise to Claire."



  "I am not apologising to her. She's a bitch and I fucking hate her!" I raised my voice and tore ally's hand away from my chin.
  "Baby, the only way you're going to stay out of trouble in the future is to learn to stop hating. All it does is cause problems. You can end up in some really bad situations if you keep this up. Consider your options."

I slowly stood up from my position on the floor.

"I'll come with you. But I won't apologise yet," I said as I stood in front of her.

"Okay y/n. It's a start at least," she got up too and took my hand, and we started walking back to school.

a/n Claire was the first name I came up with, so sorry if you have a friend or something named Claire 😭

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