Beatle Concert: Part 3

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Later, Dewey and Ringo are at Hawk Records.

Hawk: And now, the newest addition to Hawk Records' line of Pop Superstars...

He then shows a "Poster" of Dewey and Ringo that saids "D3w3y & Ring0

Ringo: You spelled my name wrong

Hawk: No, I didn't. You are "Dewey with two 3's" and "Ringo with a 0" now. It's awesome

Sebastian: Isn't that technically "D 3 W 3 Y & Ring 0"


Dewey: What's wrong with my beak?

Rebecca: We added new ones. We wanted something fuller. Your's are too thin

Hawk: And check out your new "Zingle"

He then plays an AI Voice that is supposed to be Dewey and Ringo's

Ringo: But we haven't recorded anything yet

Hawk: You don't have to, Thanks to digital enhancement

Rebecca: Like what we did to Dewey's beak

Dewey: How come Ringo's remained the same!!!

Hawk: Ringo is already perfect, and together, we are going to crush Gustavo, the Beat Rushers, and the Duckies

Dewey: But I don't want to crush the Duckies or the Beat Rushers

Ringo: Yeah, they are our Friends. My Dad used to be in a Band with my Friends' Fathers, bearing the same name

Rebecca: D3w3y, Ring0, do you want to have friends or do you want to be famous

Ringo: I...I don't know

Dewey:...I want to be famous

Later, Ringo and Dewey returned to the Crib and Ringo was playing as a narrator with the blue E2 Tank Engine while Dewey was eating sushi.

Ringo: (Narrating) Thomas is a Tank Engine who lives at the big station on the Island of Sodor. He's a Cheeky little Engine with six small wheels, a short stumpy funnel, a short stumpy boiler and a short stumpy dome

Dewey: You are one strange Human, Ringo

Ringo then turned his attention to Dewey.

Ringo: You alright, Dewey

Dewey: I'm good. I got you, and I got Sushi. Everything's awesome

Ringo then got up and looked at him.

Ringo: And you seem so awesome

Dewey: Are you being sarcastic? 'cause you sound like Huey...who I don't miss, just like I don't miss Louie or Olley

Ringo: There you go. Hiding behind a smoke screen of bourgeois clichés. I don't go messing about with your Father's Bass, do l

Dewey:...We still talking about me here, because Hawk is gonna make me famous

Ringo the tilted his head.

Ringo: Ooh, a whole life filled with fake lips and fake vocals. Wake up, Dewey, and do enjoy a hot towel

He threw a hot towel at Dewey's face, making him scream.


Ringo: Because it's to show how much I do care. I don't care if I became one of the richest drummers in the world, all I care is that I spread peace to people, and all you cared about is standing out. I see that in Paul and his Dad, even in John. Me and George seem underappreciated from what we can do in the group, but what what we can really do. I conduct the beats we needed and George plays the rhythms we needed. So, tell me, what is your contribution in the group, other than bass and vocals

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