057 | it shouldn't matter

Start from the beginning

"What one's that..?"

"I'm offended!" she held her free hand up to her heart as she looked at Valentina.

"I'm sorryyy," she dragged out her words slightly. "You have to remember that I didn't have money, okay, so I only had like five movies.. Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Peter Pan andd Bambi, growing up, none of this 'Tangled' shit."

"Tangled is not shit! Rapunzel is an independent woman who don't let no one tell her what do to, but likes her hottie, Flynn Rider, to be there with her through it all. She could've went out in the world on her own like she wanted but keep her man there with her to protect her. Would smash by the way, he is fine."

"I don't think the question was which Disney character you'd smash.." Jack chimed in, lightly furrowing his brows at her.

"Shut up."

"I can see why you like it," Valentina slowly nodded. "You don't let people tell you what to do and don't let them walk all over you, but also you like to have someone there with you to keep you safe when you're out in the world."

"I would like to thank my Tangled obsession for that. I wanted to be her for like a year when the movie first came out," she laughed slightly. "I even had a chameleon named Pascal just like in the movie."

"I remember your chameleon, you brought it to school one time for a presentation thing to show off how much money everyone had. Anyway my favorite Disney princess movie would probably be.. probably Snow White or Cinderella."

"We weren't friends till senior year- I don't know if we've talked about this on here yet.." Adalyn explained before turning back to the other. "But you dressed up as Cinderella for a halloween thing at school, before we were friends, and I remember being so fucking jealous cause I wanted your dress so bad. It was like perfect."

"Mom had made that for me.. I couldn't find one at the store and I was in tears, and she was like 'hey, it's okay, I'll make you one'. It made me so happy, I appreciated her so much," she explained, sniffling slightly as she wiped away a few tears.

"Why are you crying now?" she asked through a small laugh.

"I'm emotional!" she chuckled. "And I miss my Mom a lot. She's really who I look up to."

"mh anyway, next question.. body count? Don't know why its important to literally anyone but anyway I don't even know my own.."

"Mine's only four.. I will admit that," Valentina pressed her lips together for a second. "I like personal connection when it comes to sex. Except the guy I lost my virginity to, that's a different story cause I wanted to get it over with- which I do kinda regret doing, and regret not waiting for someone who actually loves me."

"uh I'm very much the opposite, mine uh.." the other hummed as she thought about it. "nah I'm not gonna, it's 'way too high' considering I was only single for like a year... But to be honest though, it shouldn't matter, like I think the whole stigma around body count for girls needs to be dropped."

"So true, a number doesn't really change who a person is," she agreed, grabbing her phone back and finding another question. "..I'm never answering my boyfriend's name, there's no need, I don't want people harassing him about our relationship. Anyway um.. waxing or shaving? What do we personally prefer?"

"I've gotten everything lasered when I was a teen so I don't really need to go often anymore, and then I get everything else waxed," Adalyn answered. "No shaving, fuck that, too much effort, I don't even own a razor."

"I shave my arms cause the hairs really light, then wax my legs, bikini and whatever else. I should just book to get lasered but I can't seem to justify it although it'd probably be cheaper," she mentioned while finding another question. "Anyway.. is therapy good? I think this is also a personal preference thing, and it depends on what you believe really.."

"I think it's a rip off honestly," the youngest shrugged. "I get that it help you, Val, but I would never in a million years pay someone to tell me something that literally anyone could tell you for free. I don't have any trauma or 'mental issues' or whatever people do that shit for so I don't believe in it for myself. I'd would much rather spend my money else where."

"You're allowed your own opinion but I personally think otherwise," Valentina agreed to disagree. "And before people get mad at Addie for saying that, she took me to and paid for my therapy after my Mother had passed away, and that helped me a lot and she knows that."

"Yeah, like I said I know it helped Val out and I know it can help a lot of other people, it's just not something for me," Adalyn defended herself. "I don't see a reason for me to go to therapy, I already have my ways to cope, and he's sitting over there.."

"Right.. Anyway I use to go to therapy once a week but as I healed and learnt how to personally cope with the pain and everything, I now go like once a month, not cause I still have anything major going on but because I just like having that safe space to be able to let out how I'm feeling at times without having it interrupt relationships."

"Like don't get me wrong," Valentina continued. "I think being open and honest is essential to a relationship and friendships.. but I think it's also good not to dump trauma, negative thoughts, all that, onto a person who isn't trained- or prepared is probably a better word, prepared to mentally help you. Because I feel that it can be very draining for one in your personal life to deal with the responsibility of keeping you happy."

"Loved ones can be great to talk to about things, but sometimes and some situations it's good to let someone professionally help you. But also don't at all feel like you need to close all that off from friends and partners and people you trust, because support from those people during hard times is also very important."

"I hope that made sense.." Valentina concluded. "Also I'm not speaking from a professional view here, this is just how I feel about it all, you don't have to agree or listen to what I just said."

"mh interesting," Adalyn let out a small inaudible huff. "Anyway next question.."

[ ₊✧ 💋 ∘* ☁️ ⋆ 🍒 ༉˚ ]


one final podcast chapter which
will all make sense soon..

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