Part 1

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February 4, 2013

Walsh Estate Winery

45 days since The Wave

Scott Dunne and Katie Walsh watched from the patio as Katie’s parents drove away in the company van, not for business but to relax. Brenda and Jonathan Walsh needed a break from the constant news about terran transformations, talking animals, and aliens coming in and out of the winery as they please. A simple break. Like a lunch and a movie. Scott and Katie tried to convince them otherwise, but they made their point.

But if anything happens, Jonathan brought a small revolver, stashed in the glove compartment.

“I’m not liking this one bit,” Scott said, squeezing Katie’s shoulder. “The town is not even close to settled. I can imagine an idiot transforming in the theater.”

“I kept repeating that too,” Katie added. “So much for changing their minds.”

Nothing else to do but wait until they come home. Which is unnerving given that the adults own the winery. Scott and Katie, not only worried for Katie’s parent’s safety, but the young family members were not ready to take over a hundred-year-old family business.

On top of that, Scott and Katie are terrans. They were transformed since the Wave, gaining magic and body augmentations like stacked cartilage armor plating under their arms and legs, a thin hairless tail with similar armor pattern, and long elf-like ears.

Scott and Katie were the only terrans on the property at the time. And every day, more and more humans are transforming. A matter of time before the Walsh family is complete.

Robert Walsh, the oldest son, walked up carrying a wine crate for the store. The tallest of the family, he wears black over half of his body, just because he is a hobbyist ghost hunter and a bit of a grunge music fan.

“They actually did it?” He asked. The couple nodded. “Wow. I didn’t think they were that serious.” He paused and looked up at his sister. “Dad brought the gun?”

“Yes,” Katie answered.

“Good. Because I can see an idiot transforming in the open.”

“That’s what we were saying,” Scott said. “They were ignoring it the whole time.”

“I can understand. Let me know when they get back.” He adjusted his grip on the box and went back to the storefront.

The couple turned back to the house, but stopped all together from a familiar sound coming from the driveway. A pack animal’s howl, but coupled with a high-pitched electric engine of raw power. They closed their eyes, and could hear Robert increasing his pace and enter the warehouse.

“Please tell me it’s a golf cart dragging a wolf,” Katie said.

“No. Not even close.” Scott sighed and they turned back to the driveway as a motorcycle pulled up.

A vehicle to human and terran’s point-of-view, but the level of design, engineering and technology far exceeded that. The prominent feature was the tires; twice the size of rear chopper tires and thinner for tight turns. The frame was thick metal but shaped and forged like it was built by an organic metal alien. Condition was far from new; it made countless rides and survived unaccounted battles, riddled with holes, dents, and scraps of its matt black and red paint job. The engine powering the beast was a small, stable nuclear reactor, powering a high-output electrical engine, and the controls were alien in origin, including the rider’s alien language.

The alien rider with digitigrade legs took off his helmet, dreads made of wood draped over his shoulders. His black eyes with gold iris opened.

Scott shook his head. “Jaruka why…”

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