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The flight back home was quite, Jimin's mind was busy, thinking what should he do. He knew he had to speak with Namjoon, there was no way around it. It just hurts so much, knowing that the person you love so much, doesn't love you as much as you thought he would. All of a sudden he questioned if Namjoon loved him at all. Or were they together out of convenience, because both were werewolves. Jimin closed his eyes, fighting his tears, he loved Namjoon and very much to be precise. That's why his heart was breaking and there was nothing he could do about.

Jin on the other hand was confused, how was it possible that Taehyung's kiss felt so similar to Jungkook's. It gave him the same tingle in his body. He wondered, was is it because of their eyes? Both, Jungkook's and Taehyung's eyes turned red. Their lips did feel different tho, both men had a strong grip but Jungkook's touch felt somehow softer. He shook his head, his brain yelled at him to stop thinking about Jungkook, for god's sake the man is getting married in few months.

As the private jet landed, three cars were waiting for them. Exiting the plane, Jin saw Namjoon and Jungkook leaning against a car, with them two other figures. His PA Chris was waiting for him next to his company car. Walking down the stairs Jin turned towards Jimin, who gasped seeing Namjoon and muttered, "what is he doing here? Taehyung probably told him." Jin stood in front of him to get his attention and asked, "will you be ok? You know you can drive with me home." Jimin smiled, remembering they do live in the same building. He averted his eyes towards Namjoon, who seemed to look tired and...sad.

"It's ok Jin, I'll have to speak with him, it's inevitable" said Jimin, giving him a forced smile. "Thank you for everything" he added as he hugged Jin tightly. "I will text you when I get home, maybe we can have dinner together, I don't think I want to be alone" said Jimin as Jin hugged him back. Breaking their hug, Jin said, "just come over, we'll order some food."

Jimin walked towards Namjoon and Jin went to his PA Chris, without acknowledging the others.

Jungkook ran behind him and grabbed his arm turning him around to face him but was surprised when Jin spoke, "take off your hands of me." Jungkook did as ordered and asked, "can I drive you home?" Jin said, "thank you but no, my PA is waiting for me." Jungkook stepped in front of him, blocking his way. Jin rolled his eyes and asked, "what do you want? You're getting married in what, 3 or 4 months? Just leave me alone. And if it makes you feel better, I regret ever kissing you." Jin took a step back and was about to walk around him but stopped, "oh, Yoongi asked me to accompany him to your wedding, as his date." Jungkook clenched his jaw, watching Jin walk away with his PA.

"Why are we here" asked a really pissed Jimin. Namjoon, still holding the door open for him to get out of the car, that was parked in front of the Kim mansion.

"Please Jimin, your parents are here too, they arrived two days ago."

"What?" Yelled Jimin, getting out of the car, glaring at Namjoon.

Entering the house, Jimin could see that more people were there, then just his parents. He walked into the living room and bowed to all of them. Namjoon guided him towards the couch. Sitting down, Namjoon right next to him, Jimin's mother came to his other side, a worried expression on her face.

Looking around, he saw two guards standing at the door, his father sitting next to Namjoon's mother and two elders from their pack next to them.

"What is this?" Asked a totally confused Jimin, who's guts were screaming to get out of there.

Feeling his mother's hands on his, he turned towards her, "baby what's wrong? Hmm, Namjoon said you.." Jimin didn't let her finish and stood up, "I need to use the bathroom" he said walking away. In the corner of his eyes, he saw one of the guards following him. He locked the bathroom door, his heart beating like crazy. That was not what he expected, he took out his phone and send a message to Jin.

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