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By the time the sun begins to set, we have made some progress. It takes all of two minutes for one of Stark Industries' high-tech tents to be set up and camouflage itself. Inside, it is stocked with furniture and living equipment. Tony recently had it developed to make their stays in the field more comfortable.

"This will hold up well against any high winds or storms," Druig says approvingly as we enter. The door seals itself shut behind us. We drop our bags.

"Good," I say, studying the monitoring device from my pack, "because there's supposed to be a snowstorm tonight."

Druig doesn't reply at first. Instead, he comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. He rests his chin on my shoulder before taking the device from my hands and placing it aside. He hugs me close.

"So," he murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to my neck, "I have a few ideas for tonight."

Blushing, I hold loosely onto his arm as I lean into his embrace.

"What kind of ideas?" I whisper. He chuckles breathlessly.

"Well, since you can create matter, I thought perhaps we could start with some tea and a hot bath together to rest from our first day of traveling," he begins. My face burns even more. "Then, after...we can see where the night takes us. What do you think?"

My heart racing, I nod. "I think that sounds wonderful, my love."


We eat a quick dinner before I make a luxurious bath materialize. The water is steaming hot, filled with calming oils, salts, and soaps. I also materialize plenty of warm towels and two bathrobes.

"Would you like me to help you?" Druig asks with a gentle touch to my shoulder as I awkwardly fiddle with my mission suit. "Or I could turn around, if that would make you more comfortable."

"Maybe you could turn around," I say after a moment. "Just for now?"

He smiles gently and nods. "Of course, dove."

He keeps his word. My hands shake a bit with nerves as I undress, but once I'm submerged, I quietly call out his name.

"You can look now," I say softly.

He turns to face me and once he does, emotions I don't quite recognize pass through his eyes. Finally, he wordlessly presses the button on his cuff that allows him to start stripping out of his battle armor. Never once does he look away from me. I blush as soon as he's shirtless, my eyes immediately darting to the ground. He laughs, though it isn't condescending. However, he spares me any teasing and instead continues getting undressed. Finally, I feel him approach the tub from behind me.

"Is this still alright, dove?" he asks gently, and I nod. I'm afraid that if I try to speak, it'll come out like a squeak.

As soon as he settles behind me, I hear him let out a content sigh as the hot water soothes his muscles. He pulls me into his arms and against his chest, and suddenly, I'm no longer anxious. It's simply me and my soulmate.

"Your nerves are gone," he muses, pressing a kiss to my shoulder. I nod, completely relaxing against him.

"It just...it took me a second, that's all," I explain under my breath. "This is certainly the most exposed I've ever been in front of anyone, let alone a man."

He nuzzles into the crook of my neck. "I'm honored to be the first. And the last."

We fall into a comfortable silence for a short while, until he quietly asks, "When were you happiest?"

I can't help but smile as a particular memory comes to mind. I reach to touch his arm.

"I could show you instead," I offer. Druig grins and kisses my cheek.

"I'd love that, sweetheart."

I close my eyes and let my consciousness melt into his.

Asgard is always beautiful. It's timeless in a way few can truly appreciate. But I do. I adore the seeming agelessness of the realm, the shining buildings, the fragrant flowers. It's a home I've never had.

I walk through the gardens with Thor. I've somehow managed to pull him away from his nearly ceaseless training. I don't miss the envious glares of passing handmaidens as we roam.

"Do you know yet where your next adventure might take you?" I ask him, curious. Thor gives me a look.

"Are you searching for ideas, my lady?" he asks. I shrug in response.

"No, I suppose not," I eventually sigh. "I love Earth. Don't mistake me there. However, a Celestial lives within me, a being that helped to shape the universe. I wish to explore. I know I cannot, for Midgard requires my protection, but still..."

Thor nods in understanding. "You cannot help your longings. It is easy to feel trapped in our roles. I know the feeling well. But you bear the weight far better than I."

I smile at the compliment. "Do you truly believe that?"

"I do. Without any doubts. If you were Asgardian, I'd tell the Allfather to name you heir- that is the faith I have in you," he assures me. I laugh.

"You love being heir."

"And you would tear solar systems in half just to protect your home."

We walk a bit longer in silence. I let my fingertips graze the velvet petals of the roses we pass.

"These weeks have been the most joyful of my life. I have managed to forget about the infinity stones, even if only for a short while," I finally say. "But it's time I return home, isn't it?"

"I do believe so, I'm sad to say," he says mournfully. "Thanos is coming for Earth. You will be their last chance."

"How are you so certain?"

"Loki has been divining again."

"Ah." I smile despite the nerves that have risen. "I should have known."

When the memory fades, we're left in silence, until I quietly say, "It was the last time I was on Asgard before it was destroyed, the last time I knew peace before the war truly began."

Druig presses a few kisses to the column of my throat, making my eyes flutter shut.

"And after Thanos? When were you happiest after that?" he asks. One of his arms is still firmly around my waist. I almost forget how exposed we are to each other.

I can't help but smile at the recent memory as I admit, "The night of our first date, when you promised you'd keep me safe and told me your heart was mine."

He hums. "It's true, you know that."

I nod, laying my head back against him. The wind outside sounds more like a prayer than a storm. Druig takes my hand in his and traces the length of my fingers.

"The power held in these beautiful hands..." he muses into my skin. "You could be a conquerer."

"I don't want to conquer," I breathe out, turning my head so I can kiss his jaw.

"What do you want? Tell me, my love."

His accent is thick, heavy in the air. His skin is fire pressed to my own. I feel every inch of him as if he was the blood rushing through my veins. The moment echoes serenity tinged with ecstasy. I want to bottle the feeling so I may never forget the haze.


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