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"Where's Barton? I need to speak with him."

It's difficult to keep my tone from sounding clipped. I'm annoyed and irritated, and I want to know why I received a random text from him asking me to show up at the Avengers facility ASAP. I was in the middle of a lovely vacation in the French Riviera. But my conscious wouldn't allow me to ignore Clint's apparently urgent need of my presence in New York.

"In the conference room, ma'am," the worker answers quickly. I nod my thanks and swiftly head that way.

My false smile drops when I spot the double doors to the room. I use my powers to grab onto them, and they fly open.

"Looks like the relic has arrived," I hear Tony snicker. I ignore him.

"Clinton Barton!" I demand sharply. Tony laughs loudly. Clint's amusement only grows. If he was anyone else, I'd have sent him straight into the mirror dimension.

"You're in trouble, Legolas," the billionaire laughs.

"Astra. Hi," Clint smiles innocently. I raise my eyebrows. I'm about to speak when I notice a new group of people in the room.

"Who are they?" I ask him. Clint shrugs.

"The Eternals."


"They're immortal. Like you."

"Ah." I glance at them and nod politely. "Hello." To Clint, "What the hell is so important that I had to immediately leave my vacation?"

He laughs nervously. "Well, you see, we have a mission. And we need your help."

"My help? Mine specifically?"

"You're the only person on Earth who can bend time and space and harness the stars. Yes, we need your help specifically," Steve speaks up from the head of the table. He sounds tired. The newcomers- the Eternals- seem both shocked and disturbed.

"Captain," I greet, my tone shifting. I give him a kind smile. I've always had a soft spot for Steve.

"Astraea." He smiles and shyly adds, "You look as lovely as always."

Tony gags. I roll my eyes.

"And you're as irritating as always, Tony," I say. He grins.

"Thanks, I try," he says proudly. I try to hide my laugh with a cough. I wave my hand and the air beneath me solidifies enough to use it as a chair.

"Alright, fine, I'll bite. What's the mission?"

Steve offers up a folder, and I use my powers to bring it into my hands. I'm about to open it when one of the Eternals speaks.

"Who are you?" the woman asks. She has a gentle voice. I glance up from the file at her. "I'm Sersi."

"They call me Astraea."

"You're a goddess." My eyes are immediately drawn to the black-haired man. My breath is nearly stolen. He's beautiful, and his voice is like honey.

"I am," I reply in an even tone. "I was born a demigod, but I ascended at age twenty-two."

I look back at the file, reading it. I don't look up as I ask, "And how are you, Sam? Doing well, I hope?"

The man in question gives a quiet laugh and nods. "Cap's still running circles around me, but yeah, I'm alright."

"That's good. Where's Natasha? And Wanda?"

"Nat's with her sister, and Wanda and Vision settled down in New Jersey," Clint speaks up. I nod.

"And Bucky?"

"He's in Wakanda. Still healing," Steve answers. "But he's making good progress."

"Good. I'm glad to hear it."

The room falls silent as I finish flipping through the pages. Suddenly, the exact issue at hand is made clear. I let out a humorless laugh and look up at Steve.

"Really, Rogers? Really?"

His eyes flash with nerves as he detects my tone. I drop the folder back on the table, unamused. I rise to my feet, and my hands grip the edge of the table.

"There's a secret infinity stone, and no one thought to tell me?" The entire room flinches at the sound of my yelling. My palms start to burn with my power. "Are you serious?"

"Astra," Clint says carefully. I snap my eyes to him. He approaches me like one would a wounded animal. "This stone is different. You're the only one who will be able to survive being in its presence."

I gesture to the other immortals. "What about them? I'm not the only immortal on the planet."

"No, but you're the only one with Celestial power in your veins."

I flinch at the reminder.

"She has what?" one of the Eternals demands, his voice carrying a thick Scottish accent. I turn my eyes on him in a sharp glare.

"As a child, the One Above All selected me to be his Chosen. He gave me access to his power," I answer bluntly, numbly, coldly. I turn my back to the others, deep in thought.

I don't want this. I never asked for any of this. I want to go back to forgetting. I want to ignore who I am. Why the hell should I do any of this?

I'm disrupted when Clint suddenly is in front of me. He grabs my shoulders, making me look at him. He has always held a paternal role in my eyes.

"You can leave as soon as the mission's over. We won't make you stay. You can disappear again, okay?"

I swallow the lump in my throat and let out a shuddered breath. I nod shakily.

"Okay," I murmur. "Fine. But only for you."

He pats my shoulder. "Thank you."

I lower my eyes and take a moment to compose myself. I feel so many eyes on me, and it bothers me. I hate it. I glance at Steve over my shoulder.

"I need time. Is my room still available?"

"Of course," he nods. "Would you like me to walk you?"

My eyes accidentally meet those of the Irish-sounding man from before. One of the Eternals. He smirks, and I quickly look away.

"No, I can manage. Thank you." I nod to the others in the room. "I suppose I'll be seeing the rest of you soon, yes? And Clint?"


"Come. We have a lot to talk about."

Finding Infinity (A Post-Endgame/Eternals AU)Where stories live. Discover now