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It's just after lunch when the briefing is scheduled. I'm bored out of my mind as we wait for Nick Fury to arrive.

"Hey Tony," I speak up, suddenly having a thought.

"Yeah?" He doesn't look up from his phone.

"Have you heard from Stephen lately? Is he still at the New York Sanctum?" I ask curiously. Tony shrugs.

"Last I heard, he was," Tony replies. "I think he'll be at the event tonight too."

I nod, pleased. If I have to find a freaking secret infinity stone, the great Doctor Strange is probably my best ally.

"Who are you talking about?" Ikarus asks us. Tony smirks at me.

"Doctor Stephen Strange. He's a wizard. And Astra's ex."

"He's the Sorcerer Supreme," I correct him. I roll my eyes. "And we were not a couple."

"You went on a date," Sam supplies.

"It was a business dinner. We were discussing the time stone," I scoff. "You know, the infinity stone? The one he possesses? The same one I had to use to turn Thanos into dust?"

"He totally liked you, though," Sam says. My cheeks burn in embarrassment.

"He did not," I say firmly. I'm saved from further argument when Fury finally decides to enter the room.

"I didn't believe it when they said you'd be here," he says to me, ignoring everyone else. I shrug.

"Clint insisted."

He nods and takes his seat at the table. Druig nudges me, and I glance his way. He taps his temple.

We need a better code for when we want to talk, he says. I smile a little.

I'll keep a line open for you, how's that? I suggest.

Sounds good. Now I have a question.

I raise my eyebrows. Oh? Ask away.

It's about tonight. And then another about the mission, I suppose, he replies. I know Fury's talking, but I ignore him in favor of Druig. Obviously.

Don't be shy, dear, I smirk, and his expression mimics mine. I feel a bit proud when I see his face has reddened just the tiniest bit.

Will you allow me to escort you to the gala tonight? Druig asks after a moment. I blush despite my best efforts not to.

I try to calm my heart rate before I reply, There's no one else whose arm I'd rather be on.

No one, hm? he asks cockily. I snicker without meaning to. Fury gives me a dirty look, which I ignore.

Now that that's settled, what's your question about the mission? I ask, not focusing on my slip that made me be far too honest.

The mission is going to be dangerous, he says. I roll my eyes.

No, really?

Funny, he replies dryly. I want you to be my partner for it. They're putting us in pairs, and I want you.

You want me, huh? I ask slyly, smirking.

Yes or no, darling? Druig asks, giving me a look. His eyes are so blue. They'll give you whatever you want. You know that.

I take a moment, trying to breathe through the tension running between us. I nod just the smallest bit. Tony coughs dramatically.

"Well, are you two are finished with whatever the hell you're doing?" Fury barks. I roll my eyes.

Finding Infinity (A Post-Endgame/Eternals AU)Where stories live. Discover now