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We don't speak until we're far enough away.

"You know Arishem well?" Druig finally asks. I smile ruefully.

"Better than most, yes," I reply. "I wasn't aware of your existence before I met you all today, but I have been long aware of Deviants and emergences."


"The birth of a Celestial," I explain. "It destroys whatever planet from which it hatches."

"What?" he demands, stopping his walking. I nod.

"That is Arishem's true work," I confirm. "But, this planet is safe."

Druig bristles. "How do you know that? How could you possibly know that?" I roll my eyes.

"Because, Druig, the One Above All has given Earth to me. Earth is mine for as long as I want it to be," I say as patiently as possible. "I am his vessel. That means I have certain powers and privileges. One of those privileges is the assurance that my home-world will remain safe and under my protection."

"But Arishem allows other planets to die just for Celestials to be born?" he asks. I give him a look.

"Are you really surprised?" No response. We start walking again. "Exactly. Now, you can't tell anyone I told you that. Steve would have a heart attack."

"Steve," he almost grumbles, "is hopelessly in love with you."

"He isn't. He just...he remembers me from his past, before the ice. That's all," I brush it off. I glance over at him. "Why? Is that jealousy I detect?"

"I don't get jealous," he scoffs. We both pause for a moment before I start laughing.

"Yes, you do. I've known you less than a day, and that is clear even to me," I giggle. He cracks a smile.

"You're adorable."

"So I've been told."

We stop outside my room. He looks down at me with a soft smile. He lightly brushes his knuckles along my cheekbone.

"You really are lovely," he murmurs. "I feel so strongly for you, even though we've just met."

His sapphire eyes seem to stare into my soul. I reach up and gently grasp onto his wrist, keeping his skin against mine. I smile up at him.

"I do too," I whisper. "I feel very attached to you, as if our meeting has been a long time coming."

He nods in agreement. I press a soft kiss to his hand before releasing my hold on him. His hand lingers on my face for a moment before it falls back to his side.

"Goodnight, Druig," I say softly. His eyes never leave me as I open the door.

"Sweet dreams, darling," he grins. As I shut the door, the last thing I see is that smile. I press my back against the door and let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

Dear gods.


I wake up just before my alarm goes off. I stare at the ceiling for a moment, trying to gather my thoughts. I grimace at the reminder that I'm expected to attend an event tonight, but I decide to try to ignore that for now.

I get up and brush my teeth and shower, then I dry off with a snap of my fingers. I pin back the front of my hair, deciding it's best kept out of my way if I do end up getting to fight Ikarus. I can already tell that man needs to be knocked down a few pegs. I dress in a comfortable outfit, a black tank top and dark red leggings with black running shoes. I apply a bit of makeup and decide that's good enough.

Finding Infinity (A Post-Endgame/Eternals AU)Where stories live. Discover now