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Druig excused himself a few minutes ago, saying he's going to grab us some drinks. I stand along the sidelines of the ballroom floor, quietly watching the humans have a good time. It's incredible to see how they live. They don't know just how close they came to half of all life in the universe being wiped out, only that I stopped an alien creature that wanted to get rid of a lot of people. They don't know their planet would be exploding soon if I wasn't granted Earth as my domain.

They don't know any of it. And I'm so jealous.

Steve sees me deep in thought and approaches me. He stands at my side in silence for a few moments. When he finally speaks, it's solemn.

"You've sacrificed so much for them."

"I know," I reply quietly. Expressionless. "You have, as well."

He's quiet for a short while until he asks, "Can I give you some friendly advice?"

"Sure. I could use some."

"You have the chance to finally receive happiness, Astra. Something in return for everything you've done for the world- the universe, even."

My throat tightens. I know he's talking about Druig.

"So do you," I say, trying to hide my emotions. "If I use the time stone..."

"No. My place is here." His voice is firm. "I told Bucky I'd be with him until the end of the line. Our line hasn't ended yet."

I nod in understanding. He's gone through far too much to simply go back to where he began. I figured I'd extend the offer, though.

"You're a good friend to him."

He smiles slightly before patting my shoulder and saying, "Druig is someone you could actually spend forever with. You won't ever have to be alone again if you just decide it's worth the risk of opening yourself up to him." I go to open my mouth, but he shakes his head. "Just think about it, okay? I only want you to be happy. You deserve it."

With a final kind smile, he goes off to talk with some of Tony's rich donors. I let out a breath. He's right. He's always right. Ugh.

I don't know how long I'm lost in thought before Druig returns. He passes me a glass of champagne.

"Thank you," I say gratefully. He settles back in at my side.

"Do you have to do these often?" he asks. I shake my head.

"The original team has to every few months. I rarely do," I say. "You said you were in the jungle for years. Why?"

"When we split a few centuries ago, I wanted peace. So I created a compound in the jungle of Peru where everyone lived in harmony. No conflict, no war, no arguing. None of it. It was peaceful," Druig explains.

"Do you ever think you'll go back?"

"I used to."

"Not anymore?" I ask curiously. He looks over at me with a small smile.

"No, I think I'll stick around civilization now," he replies. He adds, "Somehow, I'm getting the feeling you wouldn't like the jungle much."

I laugh and nod in agreement. "I do prefer beaches. The mountains are nice too for a little getaway. Any place I can escape from the humans for a while."

He nods. "It makes the time pass far easier."


We both finish our champagne and pass the flutes off to a waiter. He's about to say something when I suddenly hear my name.

Finding Infinity (A Post-Endgame/Eternals AU)Where stories live. Discover now