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I stand on the balcony right off my room, my hands clasped tightly behind my back. I look out over the field and surrounding forrest.

"Who are they? The Eternals?" I ask Clint. He stands next to me.

"They're Celestial creations, I guess," he answers. He shrugs. "They've been on Earth since something like 7,000 B.C."

"And their purpose is...?"

"To protect and guide humanity."

"Protect humanity from what?" I continue, looking over at him. Clint frowns.

"Something called Deviants," he says. I open my mouth, but he adds, "No, I don't have a clue what those are. Some other Celestial thing."

I press my lips together and nod. It's best not to tell him. "What are their names?"

"Ajak is their leader. Ikarus is that guy with the Scottish accent. He's kind of a douchebag," Clint says, making me snicker. "Sersi was the one in green next to him. Gilgamesh and Thena aren't here, and neither is Phastos, so they don't count. Makkari is the deaf chick, and Sprite's the kid. And Kingo's the Indian one. He's an actor."

I ignore the racing in my chest as I ask, "And the last man?"

Clint looks at me suspiciously and raises his eyebrows. "That's Druig. He's a pain in the ass too."

Druig. I repeat the name in my mind, smiling to myself. It's unique yet perfectly suits him.

"What's that look for?" I ask Clint, snapping back to reality. He shakes his head.

"Oh, nothing." He gives me another smile before heading to the door. "Settle in. I'll have someone get you for dinner in a few hours. Mission prep starts tomorrow."

I nod. "Alright. I'll see you then."

When I'm left alone, I finally drop the pretenses. I release a breath I hadn't realized I was holding. I hear the sound of people talking, and my eyes dart to the ground. A few of the Eternals are chatting away. Sprite and Kingo, I believe, with Makkari and Druig following them.

I watch their mannerisms closely. I have had overall poor experiences with other immortals, so I have every right to be curious to better understand them. Druig notices me first, his eyes flicking up to rest on me. His eyes momentarily glow gold before it fades fast. I realize he tried to use his powers on me, whatever those powers may be.

I smirk. I materialize a filled champagne flute and raise it a bit in a mock toast. Doesn't he know my power outranks his? He is a Celestial's creation, but I am a Celestial's vessel.

Silly Druig, I think, sending the thought into his mind. He stops walking, taken aback. Oh, have I managed to surprise you? This is child's play compared to what I'm really capable of.

I turn and leave the balcony. My blood is rushing in my ears. I can't believe I was so bold. Holy shit. I down the champagne then make the glass disappear.

I decide to try to relax just a bit. I need to get myself acquainted with the fact that I'll be going on what could be a suicide mission. For a secret infinity stone.

What the hell? I thought I was done with those stupid stones.


The knock for dinner comes sooner than I thought. I set aside the book I'm reading and rise to my feet. I glance at my reflection briefly and use my powers to freshen up my appearance. There's another quiet knock.

"Clint, I'm coming," I say, getting to the door. I swing it open, and my jaw drops slightly. "You're not Clint."

The man in front of me chuckles and shakes his head. He's dressed in all black, his leather jacket and t-shirt a far cry from his earlier combat suit. And his eyes...gods, they're pretty.

"Afraid not, darling," Druig replies. He offers me his arm, which I hesitate only very briefly before taking. "Why? Do you wish I was?"

"No," I reply cooly. "We needed to be formally introduced anyway."

He laughs. The sound warms my chest, and I want to slap myself for being so affected by this stranger.

"I believe we've passed that point," he says easily. "After all, it isn't every day a telepath is able to enter my mind."

"It isn't every day I decide a mind is worth entering."

Yeah! Good one, Astra! That was smooth as hell.

"What makes me so special then?" Druig asks, and I smile at his teasing tone. I shrug.

"It's cute when men try to use their powers on me. It's even cuter when they fail." I stop walking and peer up at him. He gives me an intrigued look. "What are your powers anyway?"

He leans in until his lips are by my ear. He whispers, "Mind control." A shiver runs down my spine.

When he pulls back, I try to keep it from being obvious how hot that was. Instead, I hold my composure tightly, even if it is only hanging by a thread.

"So you're the strongest out of all of them."

He laughs loudly. "Tell that to Ikarus." We start walking once again. "In all seriousness, whether we like to admit it or not, Thena is the strongest in combat."

"Anyone can learn to fight. A gift like yours? The ability to stop all conflict and create harmony with a single thought? Or delve the world into chaos with a simple command?" I pause and hum. "That is true power."

He glances down at me. An actual smile is on his face. "We're going to get along wonderfully."

"You know, that's exactly what I was thinking."

Finding Infinity (A Post-Endgame/Eternals AU)Where stories live. Discover now