I bite the inside of my mouth to keep myself from throwing up. I can't believe I'll have to wear that if my plan works.

"Fine," she says, "It's not like anything exciting ever happens in this place anyway."

"Yay!" I clap my hands. "Now, we have to act like the other person for the rest of the day without telling anyone."

"Yay, how exciting," she replies with sarcasm. "I'll get to act like I'm actually happy for the rest of the day. Good thing I like a challenge."

Is she me? Or is she ME?

It doesn't take long to exchange outfits. Since all of us wear pretty much the same clothes, we only had to change shoes and jackets. Hers is a little snug on me.

"Great, we'll reverse at breakfast tomorrow."

She touches my jacket as if it's a jewel. "No, I like this. I think I'll keep it."

My lips hurt from the unusual amount of smiling, "I'm glad you like it." Good thing it's not mine.

"Wait, one more thing," I say when she's preparing to live. "You forgot...Our hats!" I laughs.

I pull out two leprechaun's hat that was lying on top of Daisy's bed this morning. She won't miss them. The girl has a dozen in a cardboard box under her bed.

"I'm not wearing that," she exclaims.

"You have to," I pout. "It's all part of the game."

"Hell no, I don't want to walk around looking like an idiot all day.

"But...but...you said you'd play with me," I initiate the water works. Crying for no reason always get the other person uncomfortable.

"Shut up, just shut up. There's no way I'm wearing that stupid hat."

My sobs morph into full on crying.

"Fine," she snatches one hat out of my hands. She hurries out.

With my head down, I walk out of the bathroom. While only our black hair is showing, it will confuse anyone trying to find out which one is which.

Deep breath, just keep taking deep breath in.

I stand behind a wall across the lunchroom to calm myself down before the nurse with the dirty shirt walks pass me. Right on time. With feather-like steps, I follow her around. The nurses' locker room is way in the back of the establishment. There's a shortcut, I've learned it while roaming around yesterday. I wonder why she prefers the long way.

Better for me.

I arrive by the locker room before her so I take my station by the door. When she appears, I pull the piece of cardboard I tear out of the plate at breakfast and slide it in between the door before it locks completely.

I follow her inside. I quickly lose track of her as she makes her through the lockers until one slams shut. I swiftly move in the opposite side of her and bang loudly on the lockers.

"Is someone out here?" She calls. "Brenda, is that you?"

I bang one last time before rushing to her locker. And there it is, right there on the bench. While the nurse is looking at the other side, I snatch her ID and hide behind the locker. I can feel the rush of danger going through me.

This is a very stupid plan. If only I was a better pickpocket.

I've never done anything like this in my entire life. Petty theft, yes, but only from my family and friends. Never anyone that could send me to jail if caught.

Behind every mean girl...there's a tragedyWhere stories live. Discover now