10. 🥢Chances🥘

Start from the beginning

"It's pretty fun actually. It's just certain levels require more
XP and you can't level up or defeat the boss of whatever higher levels you're on until you've obtained those points. It was frustrating and I made it to level 115 without realizing that. I'm thinking of having the developers add in side exercises to eliminate the players from having to go back to previous levels and getting those points."

"So the players be able to gain XP from the side activities? But will those be enough to help them defeat the boss?" Tae asked tuned into my explanation.

"I'm not sure yet, but it's something they'll have to consider." I shrugged.

We heard the bell chime, meaning someone had walked in the door. The next thing we heard was a loud, dramatic, shriek that made us turn our heads in the direction. Maybe someone noticed us. But that wasn't the case at all. In fact, I smiled when I saw who'd caused the ruckus.

"Hal-meoni! Hal-abeoji!" Tahiri yelled out and laughed when the old man wrapped her in a bear like hug. He rocked her from side to side before placing a kiss on her forehead.

The old lady came back out with the fixings for our hot pot. She'd just set everything down before turning and placing her hands on her hips. "Why do you always have to be so loud whenever you enter my restaurant Tahiri? You nearly gave me a heart attack earlier when you did that!"

"Don't nag at her you old lady! She barely comes home as is. If she wants to yell when she comes here to visit, she can do that. It's like  music to my ears." The old man waved her off before moving on and hugging the girl who Tahiri was with the same way he'd hugged and kissed on her.

"Sorry grandma," Tahiri called out snickered at her grandmother rolling her eyes and going back to the kitchen.

The world was a small place after all. This was her grandparent's restaurant. What were the odds?

"Oh! Look, guys, it's Tahiri Noona!" V called out, catching her attention. She looked a little shocked at first, then a smile graced her beautiful face.

"No.Freaking.Way.!"The girl had said in complete and utter shock.

"Wayyyy!" The maknae line all said together making everyone laugh.

What are the chances of her really being here right now?

Tahiri POV

OKAY. What the hell is going on? How is it that I keep running into BTS? This is crazy as hell! I thought to myself. I'm not saying I'm upset or weirded out by it, just surprised. It actually brought joy to me that V kept remembering my name and face!

I waved at the guys, who all waved back at me. JK waved me over. I almost took a step forward, but my grandpa's voice halted me in my tracks and brought me back to the present.

"Girls, I suppose you came to eat. What did you want?" He asked looking back and forth at us.

"SEAFOOD HOTPOT!" Cho and I spoke at the same time, making him laugh.

"Coming right up. Go pick a table to sit." He patted both of our heads before disappearing in the back.

"Now, introduce me to my bias." Cho-Hee whispered in my ear and I laughed before wrapping her arm in mine and heading over to where the guys were sitting. Taehyung was her bias.

"Noona! Funny seeing you here!" JK spoke to me first with a huge contagious grin on his face.

"I was going to say the same thing." I spoke to everybody and bowed respectfully.

"So, this is your grandparents place?" Namjoon spoke up after taking a sip of his drink.

I nodded. "It is indeed."

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