Yn's POV

"Y-you two know each other?" I asked.

"Yes, I met him through my sister." Ha Jun replied. "If you're looking for her, she doesn't live with me."

"I'm not here for your sister, I was returning a scarf to Ms. Yn." Dong Wook replied.

"Ms. Yn?" Ha Jun questioned.

"He's my boss." I clarified to him.

"And I'm guessing you're her neighbor, correct?" Dong Wook asked.

"Exactly." Ha Jun replied.

Why do I feel like these two had a complicated relationship or something?

Ha Jun walked up to Dong Wook as Dong Wook set Gi-gi down. Ha Jun then pulled him into a bro hug, which caught me and Dong Wook both off guard.

"Long time no see Dong Wook." Ha Jun greeted happily.

"Um, long time no see?" Dong Wook replied back confused.

"How have you been man? I've heard you're the boss at the writer's incorporation." Ha Jun asked.

Man, Ha Jun was just treating Dong Wook like he was his long time buddy.

"H-how's the dancing career?" Dong Wook asked.

"It's great! This one here didn't know I did dancing until she saw me at a festival." Ha Jun chuckled out referring to me.

"Well, it is good to see that you're doing well." Dong Wook commented.

"Oh, I can say the same with you." Ha Jun replied as Dong Wook chuckled nervously while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Wait, wait! Time out!" I exclaimed. "How did y'all two know each other? And who is Hyeon-yi?" I asked.

"Well, Dong Wook used to be friends with my sister, Dal-Rae until they just went their separate ways." Ha Jun explained. "He used to come over my house for a drink whenever she hangs out with him."

"He was a pretty shy but social guy when I first met him." Dong Wook added in. "But, it looks like he has finally came out of his shell."

"Okay, that still doesn't answer my other question." I stated.

"Oh, well...Ha Jun isn't my real name." Ha Jun simply explained. "My real name is Wi Hyeon-yi."

"Okay, now that I should've expected then and there because a lot of famous people do use stage names." I spoke.

"But I'm sorry I startled you two like that." Ha Jun apologized. "I didn't mean to interrupt y'all little love fest."

Both me and Dong Wook's faces turned red after he said that.

"Oh no,no it's not that, um, she just had a...pimple on her face." Dong Wook lied.

Really Dong Wook? That's the best excuse you can come up with?

Ha Jun looked at us both with the smuggest smile on his face.

"Suuurrreeee." Ha Jun dragged out. "There's nothing wrong with mixing business with pleasure."

Oh my God Ha Jun...or Hyeon-yi...or uggggh!

"Well, um, thank you Mr. Lee for returning my scarf." I thanked. "I best go inside to clean Gi-gi's litter box."

"Well then me and you got some catching up to do." Ha Jun announced as he led Dong Wook to his apartment.

I watched as these two walked off then smiled and went back inside.

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