"Knowledge and Wisdom; also known as the rabbit and hare, as well as Work and Play; the Wolf and Dog." Miki finishes confidently. The girl blinks before staring at him. She grins, lightly elbowing him.

"You knew the whole time you big nerd." She laughs.

"My old man made sure I knew the basics of the Twin Dragons. Greed and charity is a winged fish and winged lion. Love and spite is a fairy and serpent. Every Draconyst follows the Twin Dragons, but many are separated into categories depending on what they strive for. Librarians and researchers follow the Rabbit and Hare, the wealthy and protectors followed the Lion and Fish." Miki explains with a grin. 

"Uhg, keep boring me with that nerdy crap. Next thing you're gonna talk about is how to light a candle." Hunter rolls her eyes with an equally pleasant grin.

"It depends on the candle and why you're lighting it." Miki chuckles, earning a snickering laugh from his friend.

"By the way, you wanna hang out some time? My group's been dying to meet you. Almost literally, Pennegar got shot on our last mission while I was talking about you. He's patched up now." Hunter brings up. 

"Me?" The Raven questions.

"Yeah you! Maybe you can finally make some friends!" Hunter teases him.

"I guess." The boy responds. He looks up, seeing the sky had darkened. Buildings began lighting up and folks began chattering louder. Some of the alleys seemed more busy as people wandered in and out, weaving through other crowds and strangely placed boxes or crates. "So, you're heading to which building again?" Hunter asks, keeping an eye about.

"Oh, The Crow's Coin Casino." Miki answers, moving his phone to another pocket.

"Crow's Coin, Crow's Coin. Oh! The blonde kid's casino! What's his face; Golden Dog boy!" She almost shouts.

"I take it you know where that is?"

"Of course, it's where the Crow likes to hang out. It's like her back up safe space when her brother's not home or too busy; which is surprisingly often. See, she's got this thing going on with the owner. A kinda 'friends with benefits' kinda thing, if ya know what I mean." She tells him. Miki hums in response.

"How do you know all of that?" He questions.

"You weren't the only one sent on this quest." Hunter smiles half heartedly.

"Our parents were close friends. Felt like I've known her since we were little. Practically grew up together.. And maybe there was a bit of a rivalry for attention. We were both total attention hogs, so we knew all of each other's tricks." The smile fades. Her eyes gazing down at the cement walkway. Her pace slowed down a bit, though they kept walking.

"Nowadays she's like a stranger. Like, there's a current pushing everything away from her. She's almost, like, avoiding everyone and at the same time trying to get someone to see her. She's invisible, but she doesn't do anything. Just hope that someone would look up and call her out. That's how I see the current Alisa anyways.." Hunter stares off at the lights. A few signs flicker on with neon patterns.

"Huh." Miki ponders her words. The clothes around became more casual and the people became more active and posh. Gold and jewels became more apparent as humans show them off openly. The glittery gems catch the Raven's eye. His fingers twitch a little, though not like his usual nervous tick. He hums, keeping his eyes forwards and ears up. "Hey." Miki perks up and turns around to find a boy with golden blonde hair. He tugs a bit on the red bandana around his neck.

"You're Raven right?" He asks.

"Oh, yeah, that's me." Miki smiles. The blonde looks him up and down.

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