Chapter 5

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The tunnel peeked out the side of a cliff. A tall rock sits a foot away, allowing Psycho, Miki and Hunter to step onto it and climb down. Lining the bottom of the cliff is a sandy beach with puddles of a black icky substance. The water wasn't very clear ether. In it were patches of oil that almost seemed solid or gelatin. Psycho is the first one down the rock, landing on her feet with a playful giggle. Behind her is Miki, who slides down the rock before curiously examining the black puddles. Hunter leaps down, landing with a loud crush of sand. Miki glances back seeing the blonde stand up from a crouch. "I'm not saving you if you fall into that. Its extremely toxic to humanoids. Snails love it though." The blonde tells him as she walks past. He watches her avoid the puddles of goop. Psycho, who stands beside him, sticks her tongue out at her childishly. "What's that for?" Miki asks the bleach blonde. She only pouts before following the other girl.

"Come'on slow pokes! This mission isn't gonna complete itself!" Hunter waves without turning to them. Psycho growls in annoyance. Miki looks to her as they walk. "I've been meaning to ask: how does Talli know Kassy?" He asks her. The girl stares at him for a moment before her thoughts suddenly clicked.

"Oh! Kassy and Talli use to be close friends! Like, really close! We were all close! Kassy is my platonic wife! At least I think she still is.." Psycho tells him.

"Wife?" Miki questions in surprise.

"Yeah, you're right, probably not." She looks up to the sky. The Raven tilts his head in confusion.

"Oh, that wasn't you? Sorry- what did you say? The pills should be working by now. OH! You asked about Kassy! Kassy's our favorite drug dealer! She gives me all my medication. She's literally a pharmacist! Kassidy wanted to do school when we were there. She wanted to become a nurse. Oh, no- you're right, she wanted to be a doctor thank you- Wait-..." Psycho stops and rubs her eyes. Miki stops with her and watches her movements closely. The girl swats away invisible bugs around her head before opening her forest green eyes.

"Sorry, they're gone now." She tells him. Miki stares at her and opens his mouth, but closes it, lowering his eyebrows. He opens again, but once again closes his mouth, unsure on how to phrase it. She watches him for a moment before once again, following Hunter.

"I have schizophrenia." She says as she walks off. Miki walks beside her and gives a gentle smile.

"Oh, that's good to know. Can you tell me about it?" He questions curiously. The girl ignores him and jogs forwards, kicking up sand as she does.

"I guess not." Miki says to himself, catching up to the two. As they travel, the sandy beach turns to a light, faded forest. The trees are green and freckled with reds and browns. The Raven looks up at the gray sky beyond the light branches. He smiles to himself and closes his eyes, listening to the footsteps of himself and the others. Birds chirp, flying from one branch to the other. "Can we take a break now? We've been walking foreeeeeveeerrr!" Psycho wines as she stops and falls back.

"It's only been an hour you big baby." Hunter turns to the bleach blonde.

"Mep." Responds the childish girl as she lays on her back with her arms spread out.

"How long till we get there?" Miki looks to Hunter, who presses her lips together in thought.

"Ten minutes to the train tracks. From there it's another thirty minutes unless we miss those smokers." The blonde tells him. Psycho turns over and hugs the earth.

"So nice, so grassy." She mumbles in delight.

"You can walk another ten can't you Psycho?" Miki looks down at her. Said girl only mumbles as she begins braiding blades of grass.

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