Sun glaring brightly from its height in the sky, its rays warm up my body, which was cooled do to the cold water vapor and winds. I let the breeze dry me off as I raced towards the castle, an ocean of cotton white clouds beneath me.

Clouds encircle the floating castle, some of the towers now in ruin from the battles that took place here. Somehow, the pieces of those towers float all around the perimeter of the castle like asteroids, giving the entire sight an arcane, fantasy feel.

Since the force field that once protected the fortress from unknown personnel was disabled do to the attacks from within, it was easy for me to slip into the confines of the once bustling castle, through one of the open ceilings of the towers.

'Where are you? I'm currently in the west most wing. Third tower.'

'I am wherever the hell this conference room is.'

'There are five conference rooms, Regis—nevermind.' Shaking my head, I opted to find his aetheric presence instead of trying to take directions from a directionless dolt.

'I heard that princess Stoic.' I nearly facepalm at his reference from my previous world as I made my way to him, walking casually down the halls of the castle, avoiding debris either on the floor or falling from the hallway ceilings.

This place got pretty messed up, huh?

Nostalgia falls over me in a calm wave as memories of this place floods back to me, both good and bad. A small smile slips onto my face as I reminisced silently.

I stop in front of old, mahogany doors that lead into the dome shaped conference room of the northeast wing of the castle. I could hear voices on the otherside, two of which I hadn't heard in a couple weeks—nearly a month.

Pushing open the door, I'm gifted with the sight of Regis sitting in a chair, making star eyes at Caera, while Seris grins in amusement at my awestricken dog.

"Grey. It's good to see you again." Seris greets as she stands from her chair, nodding in my direction.

"Scythe Seris, it nice to see you are still alive. Caera Denoir, seeing as you are also alive, you must be well." I nod curtly as I walk into the room, taking a seat across from them. Crimson eyes follow my every movement as she says quiet, simply boring holes into my head.

"That is quite the greeting, Arthur." Seris scoffs as sarcasm leaks from her tone of voice in an almost humorous way.

"What brings you two here?" I sat as Regis lays his head between his paws, on the table. Seris regards me with a hun as she too sits back in her seat. Caera remains silent, watching me. I could see the plethora of questions racing through her mind as she sat in her silence, seemingly stuck too deep in her thoughts to speak.

"I'm hardly a Scythe anymore. So there's no need to call me 'Scythe Seris. After the stunt I pulled in Sehz Clar, Agrona is out for my head these days." She hums as I raise a brow at her in question. She see's my unasked questioning look and swiftly answers.

"I killed the sovereign that rein over Sehz Clar, with the help of Caera here. Both of us are fugitives." Her tone made it seem as though she was conversing about the weather, and not the fact that she killed a sovereign.

"When? And why would you kill a sovereign?? Wouldn't the move you made not only endanger you, but your plans as well? I thought you would stick to the shadows and work from there." My curiosity getting the better of me as I listened intently to her.

Infinity| A Time AfterWhere stories live. Discover now